International Platform Against Isolation: At least 500.000 at Grup Yorum concert in Istanbul on April 14th 2013

Dear friends!

According to first evaluations, the concert of GRUP YORUM was joined by more than 500.000 people.

The concert for a „Total Independent Turkey“, which has become traditionally, started today, 14th April 2013 in the district Bakirköy in Istanbul

with at least 500.000 fans. People sang together with Grup Yorum, made victory signs and shouted slogans.

This concert, as expected, has been a strong answer to the AKP government’s repressive and brutal policy towards the revolutionary
and popular resistance, the mass arrests of lawyers, artists, trade unionists, revolutionary youth and democratic forces.

It has been the manifestation, that socialist views and the struggle for independence and freedom is alive and present despite
of all the attacks on the people….
Further news about the concert will be sent later…

Here are a few links of the concert from Youtube:

Revolutionary Greetings