USA: It’s not OK to discriminate against gays at work (Heinz Leitner)

Employers in over 20 states can still fire any employee on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Not only is that incredible, but it’s also totally out of touch with American public opinion, almost 90% of whom believe that gays and lesbians should have equal rights when it comes to employment opportunities.1

And lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people still face an extraordinarily high rate of discrimination and job loss — particularly at the lower end of the pay scale.2 Just last month, beloved teacher Carla Hale was fired from a school in Columbus, Ohio, when her mother’s obituary mentioned that her partner was a woman.3

This type of bigotry is not only outrageous, but no federal law protects workers from being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

1. „Gay and Lesbian Rights.“ Gallup.
2. [PDF] Brad Sears, Christy Mallory, „Documented Evidence of Employment Discrimination & Its Effects on LGBT People.“ The Williams Institute, July 2011.
3. Meredith Bennett-Smith, „Carla Hale, Gay Teacher, Fired From Catholic High School After Being ‚Outed‘ By Mother’s Obituary.“ Huffington Post, April 18, 2013.