The WTO: Seattle 1999-On The Tenth Anniversary Of The Struggle

In 1999, tens of thousands joined together in Seattle to protest the anti-labor and anti-environmental polices of the WTO. The ILWU, Steelworkers and others speak out about why they participated in the protest and what is it doing to their lives and communities. This documentary inteviews dozens of trade unionists about why they went to Seattle to protest against the WTO. Also included are clips from the meeting of the ICFTU with WTO chair Mike Moore that was held in Seattle prior to the WTO meeting. This was the largest US labor demonstration in years and the video includes the mainstream media response to the trade union demonstration as well as the massive police attack on the protesters. It ends with a labor music video sung by Larry Shaw. ( For an in depth understanding of why workers traveled thousands of miles to attend the protest, this video is vital.

Labor Video Project P.O. Box 720027 San Francisco, CA 94172 (415)282-1908