Brief an EU-Parlamentspräsident Fontelles für EU-Mumia-Initiative (K.Fischbacher)

Karl Fischbacher
Sprecher des Personenkomitees
Solidarität mit Mumia Abu-Jamal
Email:                Wien, 30.8.2004
Mr. President Josep Borrell Fontelles
European Parliament
Rue Wiertz
B-1047 Bruxelles
 Dear Mr. President of the European Parliament Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles!
 We, the Person Committee in Solidarty with Mumia Abu-Jamal/ Vienna, want to ask the European Parliament to start again[1]) an initiative towards the US authorities and courts!
In the last years numerous new proofs of Mumia Abu-Jamals innocence appeared. But on June 29, 2004, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit lifted its stay in the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, and ordered briefing. At issue is whether the death judgment should stand.  This is an urgent developement in Mumia’s case which could lead to execution if we don’t take this very seriously and unite to act internationally for a new and fair trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal and for his freedom. 
So we face a situation of a new big danger and of hopes:  the danger of a final decision by the  Pennsylvania Supreme Court to start the process of execution. Or a new trial?!  It is urgent – MORE NOW THAN EVER BEFORE – for all activists in opposition to death-penalty and a state-killing of the anti-rassist Mumia Abu-Jamal  to make their voices heard! The legal team in the USA will handle legal arguments, but the international public MUST handle the pressure that’s necessary to force the US officials to a fair new trial and Mumia’s release!
Dear Mr. President,
 in the last months the Viennese Committee in Solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal  published a resolution  against the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, for a new and fair trial and his release. Beyond this the resolution demands the general abolition of the death penalty (see )!
This resolution was signed by more than hundred people and also by:
* Ruth Becher, Representative of the Austrian Parliament [2])
* Dr. Maria Berger, Austrian Representative of the European Parliament
* Franz Bittner, Chairman of the Print & Journalism-Union / Austrian Trade Union Federation (ATUF)
* Doris Bures, Representative of the Austrian Parliament
* Noam Chomsky, Cambridge MA, USA, Prof.of Linguistic
* Ing. Harald Ettl, Austrian Representative of the European Parliament
* Hannes Jarolim, Representative of the Austrian Parliament and Speaker of Justice of SPÖ
* Elfriede Jelinek, Author
* Andrea Kuntzl, Representative of the Austrian Parliament
* Lisa Langbein, Chairwoman of the Independent Unionists / ATUF
* Mag. Johann Maier, Representative of the Austrian Parliament
* Hermes Phettberg, Artist
* Walter Posch, Representative of the Austrian Parliament
* Christa Prets, Austrian Representative of the European Parliament
* Irmgard Schmidleithner, ex- Vicepresident of the ATUF and Chairwoman of the Women-section auf ATUF
* Peter Paul Skrepek, Chairman of the Union of Art, Medias and Free professions / ATUF
* Dr. Kurt Stürzenbecher, Representative of the District Council of Vienna
* Dr. J. Swoboda, Austrian Representative of the European Parliament
* Maria Vassilakou, Representative of the District Council of Vienna
* Gisela Wurm, Representative of the Austrian Parliament
 Enclosed are the signature-leafs of these politicans, authors and artists!
Dear Mr. President,
 please  introduce a new initiative of the European parliament towards the Governor of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Supreme Courtand the U.S. Supreme Court to prevent the state killing if Mumia Abu-Jamal  and for a fair trial!
We would be very pleased to get an answer from you in the near future.
Yours respectfully
Karl Fischbacher
Speaker of the Viennese Person Committee in Solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal
Copies of Signatures

[1]  Declaration of the European Parliament against the death penalty and an execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, 1998
[2]  The represantives for the European Parliament were elected unitl the last elections for the European Parliament.