Interview with G. Achcar (Democracy Now): Who Are the Libyan Rebels?(September. 2011)

This is the $1 Billion Dollar Question (Democracia Now, August 24th 2011) – Libyan rebels have consolidated their grip on the capital of Tripoli by capturing Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s main compound, but the whereabouts of the Libyan leader remain unknown and he has vowed his forces would resist „the aggression with all strength“ until either victory or death.

Reporters in Tripoli say heavy gunfire could still be heard nearby the area of the Rixos hotel where dozens of international journalists guarded by heavily armed Gaddafi loyalists are unable to leave.

The Arab league said on Tuesday it will meet this week to consider giving Libyan rebels the country’s seat at the league, after it was taken away a few months ago from the Gaddafi government. Today Britain’s National Security Council is meeting to to discuss unfreezing Libyan assets to financially assist the National Transitional Council. Democracy Now! speaks with Gilbert Achcar, a professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.

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