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Die Bevölkerung in den EU- u.a. Balkanländern, ihre Regierungen & Widerstand / The population in the EU Balkan a.o. countries, their governments and resistance (14.5./ 18.5.2019)
Artikel vom 26. Oktober 2014Wir beginnen ab 26.10.2014 eine Sammelseite über die Balkanländer / We start from 10.26.2014 with a collection site about the Balkans
„Kosovo Aktuelle“, 25.10.2014: Besnik Pula über das Massenelend in Kosova
Alter Summit – Membership fees / Cotisations 2014
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2014Dear members of Alter Summit,
As you know, the activities of Alter Summit are almost exclusively financed by the organization’s members contributions.
Your contribution is really important to develop a bit more our activities. It takes place as a financial participation of course. But we are looking as well for a participation to develop and spread our information (newsletter), to provide some human Resources (translators, graphic designers) […] -
Felipe & Sebastian: Alter Summit – Report and political interpellations
Artikel vom 22. Oktober 2014Dear all,
You will find attached the decisional report of our last Assembly of September and the different related notes.
As decided in the Assembly, Alter Summit will continue the political interpellation of MEPs. That’s why :
– we invite you to contact your national MEPs if not done yet (with the documents attached);
– please send to sebastian@altersummit.eu the list of the MEPs contacted;
– we will centrally […] -
Eddie McCabe, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland): Irish Republic – Byelection triumph marks turning point in anti-austerity struggle
Artikel vom 14. Oktober 2014 -
„News Africa“: Cape Town to shut South Africa’s pro-gay mosque (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 29. September 2014 -
Zack Ford: Meet The 21 Countries That Don’t Believe In Protecting LGBT People From Violence (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 28. September 2014http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2014/09/26/3572892/united-nations-lgbt-violence/
ECI campaign against TTIP & CETA: StopTTIP-Info #3 | EN/DE/FR
Artikel vom 28. September 2014Bonsoir,
un mail concernant l’ICE
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. September 2014 um 11:58 Uhr
Von: StopTTIP <info@stop-ttip.org>
Newsletter of the self-organised ECI campaign against TTIP & CETA
Deutsche Version weiter unten!
Version francaise ci-dessous!
Dear friends,
Our last edition announced that the European Commission rejected our request to register a European Citizens‘ Initiative (ECI). The battle however, will continue! We won’t allow the Commission to silence us and will continue our resistance […] -
Articles and discussions on the colonial policy of Israel towards Palestine and the almost century-old conflict (18.5. – 16.9.2014)
Artikel vom 16. September 2014Look also to Israel – Palästina – Deutsch
Peter Beaumont, 15.9.2014: Israeli refuseniks will be treated as criminals, says defence minister
RT, 13.9.2014: IDF intel veterans refuse to operate in ‘occupied Palestine’ – open letter
Julie Lévesque, 6.9.2014: Israel Steals Gaza’s Offshore Natural Gas – $15 Billion […] -
Yemen: Mass-Protests (4.9.2014)
[Alter Summit Worklist] 11th Oct. – Call for European decentralised multi-sectoral day of action against TTIP, CETA, TISA and corporate free trade agenda
Artikel vom 22. Juli 2014fyi
European action day aganist TTIP:
Reclaim Democracy!
Roll back corporate power! People and planet before profit!
Call for European decentralised multi-sectoral day of action against TTIP, CETA, TISA and corporate free trade agenda* – 11th October 2014**
Civil society, trade unions, farmers and grassroots activist groups from all over Europe call for a day of action to stop the ongoing TTIP, CETA, TiSA and other free trade negotiations […] -
Articles about Egypt, the civil war and „Second Revolution“ (18.1 – 10.7.2014)
Artikel vom 11. Juli 2014Transcription by Andrea Hektor, 10.7.2014: CONFRONTING THE COUNTERREVOLUTION IN EGYPT
Geoffrrey Aronson, 14.5.2014: Egypt’s cold realism on Syria
Egypt, 19.4.2014: Amany Maged on the Muslim Brotherhood’s desperate attempts to assert its presence
Iman Ibrahim, 10.4.2014: Egypt – Free Egyptian Army being formed in Libya
Mahir Zeynalov, 8.4.2014: The secret life of Erdogan the hypocrite
The Daily Star, 27.12.2013: Egypt – Blood game
Hossam al-Namalawy, […] -
Sacsis: Russell Brand Speaks to 50,000 at Anti-Austerity Demonstration in the UK (Heinz Leitner)
Alter Summt Work-list: Dear all, You will find usefull documents for the TTIP consultation attached (Sebastian Franco)
Artikel vom 22. Juni 2014English (docx)
Articles and discussions on the opposition movement and the regime in Ukraine (16.4 – 12.6.2014)
Artikel vom 16. Juni 2014Borotba, 12.6.2014: A Call for Solidarity engl (docx)
Konrad Kreft & Clara Weiss, 9.6.2014: Nationalism and fascism in Ukraine – A historical overview
Statement of Union Borotba (Struggle) on Ukraine’s “elections of blood“ , 4.6.2014
Tord Björk, 2.6.2014: Questions and answers as well as lack of answers concerning the criticism of Borotba
Alec Luhn, 29.5.2014: Ukraine military helicopter shot down by […] -
Sebastion Franco:The draft of European Union’s service and investment offer on TTIP