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News from (nuclear) Japan

News from (nuclear) Japan
H.Yamamoto: Commemoration of the 69th anniversary of A-bombing in Hiroshima
Artikel vom 18. Juli 2014Dear friends all over the world,
We will hold „Hiroshima Grand Action“ on August 5 and 6, 2014, the commemoration day of the 69th anniversary of A-bombing in Hiroshima.
The following is an appeal released from the August 6 Hiroshima Grand Action Planning Committee.
Please join and/or send us a solidarity message.
In Solidarity,
Doro-Chiba International Labor Solidarity Committee
General Secretary
H. Yamamoto
Commemoration of the 69th anniversary of A-bombing in Hiroshima
August 6, 2014 Hiroshima […] -
News from (nuclear) Japan
H.Yamamoto: Down with the reactionary Abe administration!
Artikel vom 16. Juli 2014We denounce the cabinet decision to admit exercise of the right of collective self-defense! (doc)
News from (nuclear) Japan
H.Yamamoto (Doro Chiba): We demand the immediate release of imprisoned student Yuhimaru TAKEDA
Artikel vom 17. Juni 2014Dear friends all over the world,
On October 6th, 2012, Yuhimaru TAKEDA, student of Hosei University at his third grade, stood up to protest against the seminar for atomic power promotion. The anger of people of Fukushima against nuclear power plant drove him to the action.
The main lecturer of the seminar, organized by the Faculty of Human Environment of Hosei University, is planned to be Toshiaki OKUBO, head […] -
News from (nuclear) Japan
Report From Osaka 2/3/2013 Rally Against Repression and Burning Of Radioactive Rubble From Hito
Artikel vom 7. Februar 2013The speech fo Masaki Shimoji, assoc. prof. of Hannan Univ, at 2・3 national rally(transl. by Hito);
Our nation has been indeed lazy among others in reflecting. But before taking responsibility for the past war, colonial rule and also all tragedies it brought like Kogai pollutions, it now has made another big error. Making Great East Earthquake into Nuclear Tremor that is.
At the Fukushima Disaster, those most […] -
News from (nuclear) Japan
Artikel vom 3. Februar 2013Protest actions against IAEA conference in Fukushima
Fukushima is not a city where people can live (11.11.2012)
Anti-Nuke Tokyo Action November 11, 2012
„Fukushima, Never Again“
„Fukushima Never Again“tells the story of the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdowns in north east Japan in March of 2011 and exposes the cover-up by Tepco and the Japanese government. This is the first film […] -
News from (nuclear) Japan
No Nukes Action Committee: 1/11/13 Rally Speak Out To Oppose Restart Of Japan NUKE Plants & LDP Abe
Artikel vom 13. Januar 20131/11/13 Rally Speak Out To Oppose Restart Of Japan NUKE Plants & LDP Abe
Government Plan To Build New NUKE Plants
Friday January 11, 2013 Japanese Consulate 50 Fremont St./Mission San Francisco
The No Nukes Action Committee NNAC will be having a rally and speak out on Friday January 11, 2013 at the Japanese Consulate on 50 Fremont St. San Francisco at 3:00 PM to protest the action […] -
News from (nuclear) Japan
Last Letters from Jail: Professor Masaki Shimoji Now Released
Artikel vom 4. Januar 2013http://fukushimavoice-eng.blogspot.com/2012/12/unjust-arrest-of-professor-opposing.html
DEC 29, 2012
Professor Masaki Shimoji and one of his fellow protesters were released from jail on December 28. However, another protester remained in detention and was indicted on a charge of forcible obstruction of business.Professor Shimoji’s last letters written in jail depict critical issues permeating through the corrupt criminal justice system in Japan. His concern for the future of young people, including […]
News from (nuclear) Japan
H.Hito: Repression With Arrests Against Anti-Nuclear Activist Grows In Japan
Artikel vom 27. Dezember 2012Arrests/repression unjust on no-nuke protesters going in Kansai(WestJapan) among others. Summary as of now since September:Yoshtake Hito
Sep 20: a guy who was in `Occupy Ooi‘, Fukui-Pref, to stop reoperation of Ooi nuke reactors No.3,4 on Jun 30 by warrant, back at home in Kanagawa. He was indicted Oct 10; trials has been at Fukui District Court.
Oct 5: one at the regular `Besieging KEPCO(Kanden) HQ‘; indicted.
Oct […] -
News from (nuclear) Japan
St.Zeltzer: Protest In Fukushima Against IAEA Nuclear Industry Shills „IAEA Go To Hell“
Artikel vom 27. Dezember 2012In Fukushima, 15th December 2012 protesting against IAEA.
Marching in Suginami, Tokyo
News from (nuclear) Japan
Anti-Nuke Tokyo Action November 11, 2012
News from (nuclear) Japan
Fukushima is not a city where people can live
News from (nuclear) Japan
Sachiko Sato From The Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation Speaks At National Rally In Tokyo On November 4, 2012
Artikel vom 8. November 2012October was the harvest season in Fukushima. Rice grains turned golden yellow and farmers were busy every day in harvesting and threshing their crops. But this autumn we did not see groups of sparrows usually flying over rice fields to enjoy rice grains. Why? Rice is sparrows’ great favorite. What happened to them? I wonder if even sparrows know the danger in Fukushima. Nowadays we […]
News from (nuclear) Japan
From Hiroshima To Fukushima-A Poem
Artikel vom 25. Oktober 2012From Hiroshima to Fukushima
Death comes full circle
Bounded by atomic annihilation
People wait for rescue
From the tightening noose of human madness
A baby cries.
Howard Pflanzer -
News from (nuclear) Japan
Deborah Dupre: Fukushima dirty bomb stories leaked, 300,000 children radiated daily
Artikel vom 17. Oktober 2012 -
News from (nuclear) Japan
Steven Sensei: 100x Background Radiation in Fukushima City
Artikel vom 8. August 2012