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18. Mai 2019 10:22 Archiv
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- Periodica (english, german)
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: Canada and the War on Terror – The Ottawa Shootings, What Really Happened? 14.5.2019
Artikel vom 26. Oktober 2014 -
Election statement by the CWI Tunisia: Widespread scepticism over Parliamentary elections (A.Wosni) 14.5.2019
Artikel vom 26. Oktober 2014 -
Die Bevölkerung in den EU- u.a. Balkanländern, ihre Regierungen & Widerstand / The population in the EU Balkan a.o. countries, their governments and resistance (14.5./ 18.5.2019)
Artikel vom 26. Oktober 2014Wir beginnen ab 26.10.2014 eine Sammelseite über die Balkanländer / We start from 10.26.2014 with a collection site about the Balkans
„Kosovo Aktuelle“, 25.10.2014: Besnik Pula über das Massenelend in Kosova
Patrick Martin: Why is there no vaccine for Ebola? (Heinz Leitner) 14.5.2019
Artikel vom 26. Oktober 2014 -
Migrant detention „abuse“ can scar children for life (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2014http://www.irinnews.org/report/100741/migrant-detention-abuse-can-scar-children-for-life
Bill C urry: Dark Threats and the Normalization of White Terror – Aboriginals, Muslims & South Americans in the #OttawaShooting (Heinz Leitner) (14.5.2019)
Labor Unions and Strikes
industriALL: Global unions converge in Mongolia in campaign for Rio Tinto workers’ rights (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2014 -
deportation from belgium to bulgarie of a Aghan boy (until Monday, October 27th) C.G.
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2014Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:06:40 +0100
From: eveline
A few people are detained in Belgium and the authorities want to deportate them to Bulgarie (Dublin).
An Afghan, boy will be deportate this monday
So a few questions
To people in Bulgarie: Can you do something for this Afgahn man who will be deprted in Bulg
What is the situation there?
And for everybody: Is there an argument to prevent deportation to […] -
Alter Summit – Membership fees / Cotisations 2014
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2014Dear members of Alter Summit,
As you know, the activities of Alter Summit are almost exclusively financed by the organization’s members contributions.
Your contribution is really important to develop a bit more our activities. It takes place as a financial participation of course. But we are looking as well for a participation to develop and spread our information (newsletter), to provide some human Resources (translators, graphic designers) […] -
Left Discussions & news
Patrick Smith („Weekly Worker“): Those who side with imperialism (AWL) A.Wosni
International peace summit in Turkey denounces imperialist wars – U.S. hands off Syria and Iraq! (Heinz Leitner) 14.5.2019
Illegal migration: Frontex chief says he ‚didn’t know Italy is scrapping Mare Nostrum‘
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2014Mare Nostrum= Operation der italienischen Marine und Küstenwache zur Rettung von Flüchtlingen
http://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2014-10-23/local-news/Illegal-migration-Frontex-chief-says-he-didn-t-know-Italy-is-scrapping-Mare-Nostrum-6736124254 -
Die Abschiebung wurde verhindert. Ahmed ist nach wie vor in Wien und macht derzeit einen Deutschkurs!
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2014Die Abschiebung wurde verhindert. Ahmed ist nach wie vor in Wien und macht derzeit einen Deutschkurs! DANKE an alle UnterstützerInnen
Weiterlesen -
Neuigkeiten zur Petition – „Lukas Rehberger: Geflüchtete Familie in den Fängen des Simmeringer Abschiebehauses!“
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2014 -
Felipe & Sebastian: Alter Summit – Report and political interpellations
Artikel vom 22. Oktober 2014Dear all,
You will find attached the decisional report of our last Assembly of September and the different related notes.
As decided in the Assembly, Alter Summit will continue the political interpellation of MEPs. That’s why :
– we invite you to contact your national MEPs if not done yet (with the documents attached);
– please send to sebastian@altersummit.eu the list of the MEPs contacted;
– we will centrally […]