Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Mumia Abu-Jamal on the anniversary of the Zapatista movement in Chiapas: a legacy of education, freedom and struggle
    Mumia Abu-Jamal sobre el aniversario del movimiento zapatista en Chiapas: un legado de educación, libertad y lucha
    16 de agosto de 2013
    Audio grabado por Noelle Hanrahan.
    Traducción Amig@s de Mumia de México


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments


    [col. Writ. 8/16/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    Once again, power is in the hands of the Egyptian military; and once again, the military has distinguished itself by its brutal ruthlessness against Egyptian citizens.
    They, the armed mainstay of the now fallen dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak, have never accepted nor adjusted to the political rise of the Muslim Brotherhood.
    Now we see the hand of their awful vengeance.
    According to […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Father Paul

    [col. Writ. 8/20/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    Brothas! –Sistas!  Ona Move!  All Power to the People!
    Thank you for sharing some of your precious time with me.
    I can’t think of Father Paul Washington and the Church of the Advocate without thinking of freedom, justice, and equality.
    Many years ago, I think it was 1968 (It may’ve been 1966), the Black Power Conference was held there. A gathering of […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Trayvon Who?

    [col. writ. 8/8/13] (c) ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    If the media is any measure of the mood of the masses, then the sound and fury of the Trayvon Martin case is over.
    In place of the rage of protest is now silence, and ‘the Beast’ (the media), moves on.  In search of new prey. A missing white female?  A windfall from the state lottery? An Obama-Putin dust-up?
    The rage […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    In the Name of AL QAEDA

    [col. writ. 8/4/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    For well over a decade, since the events of 9/11, the group Al Qaeda has performed quite a service for the West and its Imperialist ambitions.
    Since then, the Mid-East has been hurled into hell, and Iraq has joined Afghanistan as places to flee from, to get away from as quickly as humanly possible.
    No one can dare to honestly say […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    BRADLEY MANNING: Private Democrat

    [col. writ. 7/31/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    The mania that followed the release of a flood of military papers, videos and consular communications by U.S. Army Private and Intelligence officer, Bradley Manning, hasn’t been seen since the height of the anti-communist scares of the 1950’s.
    Bradley Manning, recently convicted of a plethora of charges before a military judge, faces over a century in prison, for, among other […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments


    [col. writ. 7/25/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    It is tempting to view the nation’s first Black president, after 5 years in power, as George W. Obama.
    Former president, G.W. Bush, was the very essence of neo-conservatism; quick to war, averse to peace, a holiday for the rich, a nightmare for the poor.
    President Obama, the essence of neoliberalism, has echoed Bush’s martial spirit, and has been the benefactor […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    BEYOND TRAYVON: When the Personal Ain’t Political

    [col. writ. 7/21/12] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    The Trayvon Martin case is rightly the straw that broke the camel’s back, for it shows, with unusual clarity, how Black life is so easily trivialized.
    But it is not alone in this endeavor.
    How the corporate media has responded to this tragedy is its own form of trivialization; a feeding frenzy of sheer spectacle, the exploitation of emotion, and endless, […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Henri Alleg: 1921 -2013

    [col. writ. 7/19/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    Henri Alleg was a journalist’s journalist.
    Of French-Algerian ancestry, he witnessed the horrors and brutalities of the Algerian War personally.
    What distinguished him from his colleagues was his willingness to speak out against the State, which was waging an anti-colonial war based in large part on state terror and torture.
    Alleg defied the state by writing accounts of such French torture, and […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments


    [col. writ. 7/14/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    It may’ve begun with a bang; but it ended with a whimper.
    The acquittal of George Zimmerman for the slaying of 17 year old Trayvon Martin was, for a generation of youth, a wake up call.
    Young people around the country made this their cause, and believed, as only young people can, that justice would prevail.
    But belief and knowledge are two […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    (pam) The Re-Education of Lauryn Hill

    [col. writ. 7/10/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     Her name, her incredible contralto, her audacious talent, her scrumptious beauty have made Lauryn Hill a legend in hip-hop and music generally.
    Her solo effort, “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill”, earned her a Grammy in 1998 (for best album), and a place in the hearts of millions.
    When she tired of the industry she tried to build a life for herself […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments


    (col. writ. 7/8/13) © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     By the time these words reach you, perhaps it will all be over.
    “It” is the Zimmerman trial in Florida.
    I have no idea what the ratings are for CNN, (nor CNBC, for that matter), but I’d bet it’s pretty elevated for their usual summer viewership.
    In this place, of prison population, every man with a mouth wants to discuss the case.
    In […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Mumia Abu-Jamal for the freedom of Edward Snowden (17.6. and 23.6. June 2013)

    [col. writ. 6/23/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     Not since the late Phillip Agee (he of former CIA whistleblower fame), have we seen the like of the case of Edward Snowden, who formerly worked for the CIA, NSA and the private contractor, Booz Allen Hamilton.
    Agee’s 1975 book, Inside the Company: CIA Diary (New York), blew the doors off the CIA, and revealed to many the […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    EGYPT: Back to Square One

    [col. writ. 7/4/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     Muhammad Morsi, who had the proud distinction of being Egypt’s first democratically elected President, has again made his historical mark, by being the first such head of state to be undemocratically removed.
    A military coup, albeit a seemingly popular military coup, is a rebuff to democracy, not a support for it.
    Now, and perhaps for some time to come, the generals […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Why DOMA Was Unconstitutional

    [col. writ. 7/2/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    It made history, surely, when the US Supreme Court struck down, on equal protection grounds, the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996.  It found that the section of the law which prohibited federal benefits to gay and lesbian couples, married in states where such unions were legal violated the Constitution.
    While the decision was typical for Justice Anthony Kennedy, who […]
