Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    „Yuri Kochiyama“ (Prison Radio)

     These radio essays by Mumia Abu-Jamal are produced twice a week by Prison Radio.

    [col. writ. 6/2/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     Her name was Yuri, a Japanese woman born in the United States. I hesitate to call her a Japanese-American, for to do so suggests she was a citizen.
     In light of how she, her family and her community were treated during World […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    The Shivving of Shinseki

    [col. writ. 5/31/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     I first recall the name ‘Shinseki’ when during the failed presidential bid of U.S. Senator John Kerry; he invoked his name as a virtual talisman; “Gen. Shinseki”; “Gen. Shinseki!”
    This was the 2004 elections, when the name could shield Kerry, a Vietnam vet, from the odious attacks of a team of Swift-boaters, who called into question his own military service.
     When […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Weggefährtin von Malcolm X und Stimme der Erinnerung: Am Mittwoch starb Maya Angelou


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Dr. Vincent Harding: A Griot Falls (2:54) (Prison Radio)

    [col. writ. 5/27/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     In West African societies, a Griot holds a special, almost sacred place in the life of the nation.
     That’s because he is one who holds in memory the history of the nation, its battles, its struggles, its kings and its councilors, He sings such tales of the nation’s past, and is thus, a teacher.
     His life’s memory is so precious […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    WILD in the Streets

    [Speech writ. 5/25/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal

    Imagine that a group of men ran into a business, robbed it to the tune of $100,000.00, pulled guns on them, sexually assaulted a woman, and even stole food from them, before departing and vanishing.
     What would you call them?
    What would the news media call them?
     Some years ago, in Philadelphia, young people would rush into stores downtown, enter in large […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    ELOMBE BRATH: Presente!

    [col. writ. 5/25/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     Elombe Brath, long-time Black Nationalist organizer and activist, has made his transition after a long career in the Black Freedom Movement.
     Elombe, 77, made his passage on May 19th, a day not without irony, for this was the birthday of one of the men he most highly regarded: Malcolm X.
     Brath fought numerous struggles, both cultural and political.
     When he was 20, […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Seit 60 Jahren ist die Segregation im US-Bildungswesen rechtswidrig. Dennoch besteht sie weiter (Julius)


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Brown at 60 (vs. Board of Education) Prison Radio

    BROWN AT 60
    [col. writ. 5/18/14] ©’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
      It has been 60 years since the US Supreme Court decided Brown v. Board of Education, outlawing segregated educational systems.
    60 years – my entire life – and today, schools are still segregated, if not by law then certainly by practice and custom – and especially by class (which, in America, is about the same thing)
     The […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Pain and Rage in Chiapas (Prison Radio)

    Sent: 5/21/2014 11:06:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
    Subj: „Pain and Rage in Chiapas (1:53) MP3 by Mumia Abu-Jamal
     Hi Folks,
     New Commentary!

     These radio essays by Mumia Abu-Jamal are produced twice a week by Prison Radio.

    Pain and Rage in Chiapas
    [col. writ. 5/21/14] ©’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     Since 1994, the emergence and persistence of the Zapatista Movement has been a pain in the side of […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    An important Message from Mumia


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Nachrichten und Skandale – Wie Schlagzeilen gemacht und Wahrheiten verschwiegen werden (Lulius)


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    1.May 13th 1985: Meaning



    MAY 13th’s MEANING
    [col. writ. 5/10/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
      For years I’ve written on the meanings of May 13th, 1985.
    The murders. The massacre. The bombing and the burnings (involving the MOVE organization in Philadelphia)
     The unjust incarceration of Ramona Africa.
     And the immunity for killer cops – baby killers in blue – immune for crimes that would make devils blush.
     29 years have passed – and […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    The American Way of Death


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    MAY DAY – ‘14

    [col. writ. 4/29/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     As May Day rolls around in the year 2014, there is little reason to celebrate.
     May Day, historically a holiday for workers, today finds workers under siege like seldom seen before. Under the reign of the corporatist media, the very word ‘union’ has become a curse word.
    Unemployment; underemployment; poor wages; and an uncertain political struggle for even a modest, minimalist […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Racists? In Robes or Boardrooms?

    [col. writ. 4/28/14] ©’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     A billionaire basketball owner blurts out words in anger to his girlfriend about her suspected dalliances with Black athletes, and the world goes wild.
     It becomes Top Story on the national newsfeed, and, surprisingly, even the story of the downed jet in Malaysia takes second fiddle.
     Similarly, the nation’s highest court rules that states may use referendums to strike down affirmative action […]
