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Mumia Abu Jamal
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
DeSean Dismissed
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Moskaus angeblicher »Landraub« auf der Krim und die Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Artikel vom 27. März 2014[col. writ. 3/27/14] ©’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
In a trial that may be unprecedented anywhere in the world, an Egyptian court recently returned 528 death sentences to many supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In what is seen as the latest attempt to destroy the group, the military government held the mass trial over two days in the city of Minya.
Amnesty International’s Mid-East and North Africa Deputy Director, Hassiba […] -
Mumia Abu Jamal News
Police Power Out of Control – Petition for Mumia Abu-Jamal (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 26. März 2014http://act.rootsaction.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=9543
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
1. March Media Madness – Malaysian Airliner (Prison Radio)
Artikel vom 24. März 2014Sent: 3/24/2014 12:38:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: March Media Madness (Malaysian Airliner) 1:49 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Hi Folks,
Here is a new essay about the media frenzy for emotion not news.
These radio essays by Mumia Abu-Jamal are produced twice a week by Prison Radio. www.prisonradio.org
1. March Media Madness (Malaysian Airliner) 1:49 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Artikel vom 23. März 2014[col. writ. 3/23/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
The mystery of Malaysia’s flight 370 has become the latest tool of corporate-media manipulation and over-saturation.
Instead of reporting on facts and investigations, we get a plethora of speculation — rumor and frankly, fear-mongering.
The answer is obvious: ratings.
Most cable news networks have received a doubling of their regular ratings.
In the old days, newscasts reported on what happened and occasionally why.
Today, […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Working for Change
Artikel vom 19. März 2014[Speech writ. 3/19/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Dear Sisters and Brothers;
Dear Members of DC-37, Local 372;
Dear fellow workers!
As I thought about what to say to you, a thousand thoughts flooded my mind.
I wondered about your children, and for some of you, your grandchildren. What do they know about Mama’s work, or Grand pop’s union?
Do they know, even by broad strokes, the history of how workers suffered, […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Artikel vom 19. März 2014[col. writ. 3/19/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
With the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, U.S. politicians have gone coo-coo, raising Cain about it, likening it to Hitler’s seizure of Poland, with Americans snarling about violations of International Law, and ‘land grabs’.
Almost immediately, Americans and Europeans, citing threats of “regional destabilization”, announced sanctions on Russian.
For American to crow about ‘land grabs’, is above all, an […] -
Mumia Abu Jamal News
Free Mumia-Berlin: Free Mumia Bewegung – erste Reaktionen auf die FOP und die verhinderte Nominierung von Debo Adegbile
Artikel vom 7. März 2014Hallo,
hier einige Artikel und erste Kommentare über die von der Polizei Lobby Organisation FOP verhinderte Nominierung von Debo Adegbile in das US Justizministerium. Mumia Abu-Jamal bringt es in seinem Kommentar sinngemäß auf den Punkt, wenn er fragt, wie ein Staat zu nennen sei, in dem die Polizei Parlamenten und Gerichten Handlungsanweisungen gebe – einen Polizeistaat.
Hintergrund: Mr. Adegbile war im vergangenen Jahr als Vorsitzender des NAACP […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s statement on the FOP Blocking Obama’s Adegbile nomination to DOJ post „Bullies of Babylon“ (Prison Radio & Column)
Artikel vom 7. März 2014
[col. writ. 3/7/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-JamalThe U.S. Senate rejection of U.S. Department of Justice nominee, Debo Adegbile for the post of head of that agency’s Civil Rights Division is, more than anything, the triumph of fear and lies over reason and fact.
Adegbile, by all accounts, is an able, skilled litigator, who had been an exemplary candidate for the post.
But the Broad […] -
Thomas Meyer-Falk über „Jailhouse Lawyers“ von Mumia Abu Jamal („Free Mumia-Berlin“)
Artikel vom 3. März 2014Autor ist der aus unbefristeter Sicherheitsverwahrung heraus kämpfende Gefangene Thomas Meyer-Falk in der JVA Freiburg
http://www.18maerz.de/web/index.php/material/material-sonderbeilage -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Nach absurdem Urteil: Seit 36 Jahren sitzen acht Mitglieder von MOVE in Haft
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Artikel vom 25. Februar 2014[col. writ. 2/25/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
The lands we arrogantly named the Middle East (one must wonder, Middle East of what? Europe?) are in disarray and disaster today, largely because of the greed, hubris and yes, white supremacy of Europe and America.
Iran today suffers from painful sanctions, while those who ripped Iraq apart, who drove the forces of ethnic, sectarian and religious rivalry into furies […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Black History 1, 2, 3,4 (4=neu)
Artikel vom 24. Februar 2014Black History 1
[col. writ. 2/13/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Every year, Black History is celebrated, from coast-to-coast.
Great Black names are recalled, their exploits praised, and February, the shortest month, staggers to an end.
But what shall we say today?
A month may come and go, but for millions of young Black people, they’ll know less and less, year by year.
That’s because they have no idea about their history, […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Dr. Anthony Monteiro: Reinstate A Great – on the Struggle at Temple University