Mumia Abu Jamal

  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Goddard, The Constitution, & Corporate Media (Prison Radio, 6:32)


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Mumia’s Comment on his Goddard Commencement Speech (Prison Radio, 2:15)

  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Now the German Way (Prison Radio, 2:02)


  • Videos über und mit Mumia Abu Jamal

    MOVE / Philadelphia: „Let The Fire Burn“

    Sent: 9/30/2014 4:52:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
    The MOVE Organization will be screening „Let The Fire Burn“, the latest film about the bombing of MOVE in 1985. 
    We will be at the Queen Memorial Library located at 23rd and Federal from 3-5 pm.
    We know that it’s not the best time but it’s what we could get.  Hope some of you can make it.
    Take care—Ramona
    Mumia […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    A Special Message From Mumia to Prison Radio Folks (Prison Radio)


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Baba Herman Ferguson: Life Long Freedom Fighter Presente! (Prison Radio, 2:50)

  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Ferguson: The Failure of Black Politics (Prison Radio, 2:52 + Column)

    [col. writ. 9/28/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     The stark and moving images arising from the violence, repression and resistance of Ferguson, Missouri, continue to percolate throughout national and global consciousness.
    If, as the old saying goes, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’, the thousands of images radiating from Ferguson must be worth millions of words.
    And those words are damning; “state terror” turns its fearful face […]


  • Mumia Abu Jamal News

    Philadelphia Corruption: Business as Usual for FOP

    Corruption– the gift that keeps on giving 
    Philadelphia „Finest“ Pleads Guilty to Taking Bribes Front page news in the Philadelphia Inquirer: former Captain in Internal Affairs and Sixth District Police Officer, Joseph Waters, (now a Philadelphia Municipal Judge), will go to federal prison for corruption. Waters was an Officer from 1977 to 1984, his first beat being the 6th district.  Read more here.
    Lynn Abraham’s bid for […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    The Isis Crisis: A U.S. Creation (Prison Radio + Columne)


    When the ISIS group cracked the news several weeks ago, it stunned millions of Americans who wondered, “Where did this come from?”
    The media, performing their function of servant to the corporate state, just as they did in the run-up to the Iraq war in 2003, simply distributed audio from the Pentagon and politicians.
    Few went deeper.
    One had to search hard to find the truth – […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    U.S. Architects of Disaster (Prison Radio + Column)

    (col. writ. 9/24/14) © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal,
     It is fascinating to watch US presidents, as they call names and promise destruction, especially so soon after the flood of disasters that have been waged throughout the Middle East.
    Iraq is a social, economic, political, environmental and spiritual basket-case. Libya is little better.
    Both are horrific examples of US interventions that have plunged both societies into deadly hell-scapes, places […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    Lost Opportunities (Prison Radio + Column)

    [col. writ. 9/21/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     Thanks to the corporate media, Ferguson, Missouri, has been all but forgotten.
    Other sensationalist fare now fills the air, with empty fluff about missing white women, snuff videos and other mindlessness to further inflame public fear.
    But to thousands and thousands of young Black people, Ferguson is as close as teeth are to the tongue.
    They witnessed, with their own eyes, […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments

    The Transmogrification of Barack Hussain Obama (Prison Radio + Column, 2:16)

    [col. writ. 9/20/14] ©’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
    When Barack Hussein Obama was first elected US President, a sense of mad elation swept through areas that were once regarded as Third World; Africa, because of his blood ties; and the Middle East, because of the faith tradition of his father.
    For them, Obama’s elevation to the highest office in the land seemed to signify a change of epic […]


  • Mumia Abu Jamal News

    The Campaign To Bring Mumia Home

  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments


    [col. writ. 9/16/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
     For millions of people, during the election of 2008, Barack Hussein Obama emerged as the ‘peace candidate’ (if only in the imagination), the urbane, educated, cool alternative; indeed, the antidote to the bumbling bellicosity of George W. Bush.
    A term and a half later and Bush looks surprisingly refreshing in the rear-view mirror.
    For Obama, the 4th U.S. President to be […]


  • Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments


    [col. writ. 9/12/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal

    Brothers! Sisters! Supporters and Family of Imam Jamil Al-Amin – Peace to you All!
    As salaam alaikum!
    My mission tonight, given to me by Sis. Pam Africa, will be simple. I call it facing facts.
    Is it a fact that many of these men were subjected to torture and base humiliations?
    Is it a fact that those who committed these acts of torture […]
