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Mumia Abu Jamal
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Artikel vom 19. Juni 2014[col. writ. 6/19/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
His name is Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, A Muslim Imam, and a prisoner of the U.S. government.
But perhaps he is better known (or remembered) as a fiery young icon of the 1960s-era Black Power movement, H. ‘Rap’ Brown. He was called ‘Rap’ because of his quick, snappy style of speech, when he gave voice to the most oppressed Black communities […] -
Mumia Abu Jamal News
„Free Mumia Berlin“: Hier die Aufnahme eines Redebeitrages vom VOSIFA Festival am vergangenen Wochenende in Berlin
Artikel vom 16. Juni 2014(Freie Radios) Free Mumia – Free Them All! (15.06.2014)
Außerdem erschien in der Tageszeitung „Die Welt“ ein Nachruf auf die in der vergangenen Woche verstorbene Schauspielerin Ruby Dee, in dem auch Mumia Abu-Jamal erwähnt wird:
Ruby Dee war eine der großen Schauspielerinnen Amerikas. Und hat sich massiv eingemischt, wann immer sie Unrecht sah: bei Diskriminierung,
Justiz- und Polizeiwillkür. Nun ist sie 91-jährig gestorben.
Wehe, wenn diese schöne Frau […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
IRAQ: A State at War With Itself
Artikel vom 15. Juni 2014[col. writ. 6/15/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Lightning strikes. Those are the words that came to me as I witnessed the speed with which the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was rolling through northern Iraq, forcing government forces to flee.
The cities of Mosul, Samarah, Tikrit and others fell in a matter of days, with nothing but token resistance from the central government.
Photos appeared of […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Artikel vom 13. Juni 2014[col. writ. 6/13/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
In 2012 the U.S. Supreme Court decided that mandatory life sentences for juveniles was a violation of the Constitution’s Eighth Amendment prohibition against “cruel and unusual punishment”.
Ever since then almost a dozen states have resolved how their states should address retroactivity issues, or whether this new constitutional rule applied to older cases.
Six states have decided yes -including, for example, […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
The Divine Ruby Dee (Prison Radio + Column)
Artikel vom 12. Juni 2014
[col. writ. 6/12/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Her name was Ruby Dee (‘D’) – for Davis), and though she made her transition into the realm of the ancestors, she is available for all to see in all her beauty, dignity, charm and poise, for a long and distinguished career on stage, screen and television.
Despite such a long and legendary career as an actress, one would […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Artikel vom 11. Juni 2014[col. writ. 6/11/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Congressman Eric Cantor, Republican Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, has been knocked off his perch and out of his seat in a surprise primary result borne by a virtually unknown challenger, and economics professor, Dave Brat.
Cantor, the heir-apparent to become the next House Speaker, never saw it coming, especially after 7 successful elections.
Professor Brat beat the […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Im Fadenkreuz – Masseninhaftierungen von Menschen aus unterprivilegierten Bevölkerungsgruppen
Artikel vom 7. Juni 2014 -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Iraq: Recipe for Disaster (Prison Radio)
Artikel vom 6. Juni 2014
IRAQ: Recipe for Disaster
[col. writ. 6/10/14] ©’14 Mumia Abu-JamalAs these words are being formed, Iraq is a site of disaster.
The northern city of Mosul is falling to armed Islamic militants. Bombings are increasing with frequency and ferocity, claiming more and more lives.
And Iraq’s military are so uneven to the task that they are dropping weapons, ditching their uniforms – and fleeing!
Nearly $800 billion dollars […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Bird-dogging Bergdahl
Artikel vom 4. Juni 2014[col. writ. 6/4/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
For the American captive of the Taliban, U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the homecoming he has long dreamed of may be more bitter than sweet.
For, on the day of the announcement of his release from his Afghanistan captors, before a full swell of celebration could grow, came claims of his desertion – and even calls for his imprisonment in […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
„Yuri Kochiyama“ (Prison Radio)
Artikel vom 2. Juni 2014
These radio essays by Mumia Abu-Jamal are produced twice a week by Prison Radio. www.prisonradio.org[col. writ. 6/2/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Her name was Yuri, a Japanese woman born in the United States. I hesitate to call her a Japanese-American, for to do so suggests she was a citizen.
In light of how she, her family and her community were treated during World […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
The Shivving of Shinseki
Artikel vom 31. Mai 2014[col. writ. 5/31/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
I first recall the name ‘Shinseki’ when during the failed presidential bid of U.S. Senator John Kerry; he invoked his name as a virtual talisman; “Gen. Shinseki”; “Gen. Shinseki!”
This was the 2004 elections, when the name could shield Kerry, a Vietnam vet, from the odious attacks of a team of Swift-boaters, who called into question his own military service.
When […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Weggefährtin von Malcolm X und Stimme der Erinnerung: Am Mittwoch starb Maya Angelou
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
Dr. Vincent Harding: A Griot Falls (2:54) (Prison Radio)
Artikel vom 28. Mai 2014[col. writ. 5/27/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
In West African societies, a Griot holds a special, almost sacred place in the life of the nation.
That’s because he is one who holds in memory the history of the nation, its battles, its struggles, its kings and its councilors, He sings such tales of the nation’s past, and is thus, a teacher.
His life’s memory is so precious […] -
Mumia Abu Jamal News
Schule in Oakland wg. Mumia-Webseiteneintrag unter Druck der FOP („Free Mumia – Berlin“)
Artikel vom 26. Mai 2014Hallo,
es folgt ein Bericht aus Oakland (Ca), wo die lokale Schulbehörde von der Polizei-Lobby-Organisation Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) gezwungen wurde, eine SchulWebseite namens „Urban Dreams“ aus dem Netz zu nehmen, auf der auch die Geschichte von Mumia Abu-Jamal dargestellt wurde (siehe unten). Wir stellen eine Zusammenfassung vorweg.
Am 28. Mai wird es in Oakland eine Demonstration gegen die Zensur durch die FOP geben. Es ist […] -
Mumias Columns & Prison Radio comments
WILD in the Streets
Artikel vom 25. Mai 2014[Speech writ. 5/25/14] © ’14 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Imagine that a group of men ran into a business, robbed it to the tune of $100,000.00, pulled guns on them, sexually assaulted a woman, and even stole food from them, before departing and vanishing.
What would you call them?
What would the news media call them?
Some years ago, in Philadelphia, young people would rush into stores downtown, enter in large […]