Ch.Kinder (Free Mumia SF: New Book Details Mumia’s Frame-up and Secret Star Chamber Re-Sentences Mumia to Life In Prison Withaou Parole

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September 2012 — In two events sponsored by the Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal this month, the voice of Veronica Jones was heard again through reports on a new book compiled by her sister, Valerie Jones, titled Veronica and the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, as told to her sister,Valerie Jones. Veronica Jones, now deceased, was a key witness in Mumia’s case, since she saw two men running away from the scene immediately after the shooting of a cop in December 1981 in inner city Philadelphia. This evidence could have helped acquit Mumia, who was framed for the killing by police, but who was himself shot at the scene by a cop, and was thus incapable or running anywhere.


Veronica’s evidence of Mumia’s innocence would not be presented at Mumia’s trial


Veronica was to have been a defense witness at the 1982 trial, but police detectives, with brutal intimidation and humiliation as detailed in this book, forced Veronica to lie, denying that she saw the two men flee. This was critical to Mumia’s conviction. As detailed at our events by Veronica’s sister and new author, Valerie Jones; and long-time activist and lawyer for Mumia Rachel Wolkenstein, Veronica subsequently struggled courageously to set the record straight and get the truth out. For this effort, she faced continual police harassment and was even arrested right off the witness stand at an appeals hearing in 1996 at which she had recanted the earlier falsehood!


As Valerie explained at our meetings, the book fleshes out details of Veronica’s life, particularly as it concerned Mumia. And it includes some significant revelations, such as the fact that Veronica had both a friendly and a (non-paid)sexual relationship with Daniel Faulkner, the police officer for whose killing Mumia was framed.


Interesting interviews with Valerie and Rachel were done before the meetings by JR on the Morning Mix, and by Anita Johnson of Hard Knock Radio, both on KPFA, 94.1 Berkeley (see, as well as some other outlets. Lively discussions followed the presentations at both of our meetings.


The book was snapped up at our two events in Oakland and San Francisco, with a total of 35 sold (many signed by the author). We also took in over $300 in donations at the two events, which helped cover our expenses in building these meetings, and will go toward our future efforts in promoting this book in the Bay Area.


About Veronica and the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal,

as told to her sister, Valerie Jones:


This riveting account of what a police frame-up does to the innocent individuals who are targetted to “play along” has captured the hearts of all who have read it. Cornel West said, “The Jim Crow “justice” continues to unfold in Brother Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case. Don’t miss this powerful and poignant book!”


Ed Asner said, “From the outset, I became a doubting Thomas of Mumia’s guilt. I couldn’t claim

his innocence, just that the trial and conviction were a modern day lynching.Veronica Jones’ memoir totally validates my doubts. It also makes me awestruck at the enormity of Philadelphia corruption in its courts and the police and the pandering of public officials such as Tom Ridge and Ed Rendell to mob mentality. Veronica Jones deserves a posthumous medal as a truth bringer.” (See the back of the book for these and other comments.)


Mumia Abu-Jamal wrote an emotional introduction to the book, which you can listen to him reading


Ordering Veronica and the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, as told to her sister, Valerie Jones:


Order the book at a discount price of $15 at:


In our Bay Area events, lawyer Rachel Wolkenstein, an activist for Mumia’s freedom since 1987, explained the outrageous event that led to Mumia’s re-sentencing to life without the possibility of parole (LWOP). Mumia’s original death sentence was set aside by a federal judge in 2000. After numerous appeals, Philadelphia prosecutors recently threw in the towel on trying to get him re-sentenced to death, which would have required them to hold a new sentencing hearing before a jury. Their surrender on trying to kill Mumia–something they and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) have focussed on for decades–showed that they know the same thing we know: the prosecution case against Mumia is completely fraudulent and a pack of lies from beginning to end. Any new hearing, even though limited to sentencing issues only, could have risked exposing the fact of the prosecution’s lack of a case, and of Mumia’s undeniable innocence.

This star-chamber re-sentencing “hearing” was kept quiet from Mumia, and has been completely ignored by the mainstream media as well. Protest this atrocity by writing to your local press outlet. Demand a public report on this blatant denial of Mumia’s rights!

The Trial Judge Said, “Yeah, and I’m gonna help ‘em fry the n____r”

The danger of exposing Mumia’s innocence is perhaps why, when it came time to hold a judicial hearing to re-sentence Mumia to life without the possibility of parole, they did it in secret; and they did it before Judge Dembe. Dembe was the judge who years ago threw out Mumia’s appeal on the grounds of racism on the part of the trial judge, Albert Sabo. Sabo had been overheard to say to a confidant, in the 1982 court room, and regarding Mumia, that, “yeah, and I’m gonna‘ help ‘em fry the n____r.” Dembe said this was irrelevant to the actual trial!

And now (on August 13th 2012), Dembe held a sentencing “hearing” (if you can call it that) in which the defense was not invited, in violation of federal and state constitutional law and state statute! Law requires that the defense must be able to object to any sentence imposed on the accused… but not according to Dembe, apparently. It was only because of quick work by lawyer Rachel Wolkenstein that the defense even found out that the “hearing” had happened! As Rachel reported at our meetings, Mumia filed a “pro se” (on his own behalf) brief objecting to this star-chamber action, at the last possible minute. Failure to meet this deadline might have meant loss of future appeal rights.

Mumia’s brief opposed not only the unjust ruling regarding his own case, but also objected to the imposition of life without the possibility of parole to anyone, as being the equivalent of a “slow death penalty.” More appeals on this issue in Mumia’s case will likely be forthcoming.

Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case remains one of the seminal examples of travesty of justice under modern capitalism. Targetted by state political police as a youth under the FBI’s COINTELPRO program, and framed for a crime he didn’t commit by cops, courts, prosecutors and politicians, this revolutionary’s cause is the cause of us all. We have no confidence in the capitalist courts to free Mumia. We must stand together to demand his immediate release!

Life Without the Possibility of Parole is an Outrage!

For Labor Action To Free Mumia Now!

Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal • PO Box 16222 • Oakland CA 94610 •