‚For a European Spring‘ – actions against the EU Spring Summit 13./14.3.2013 (Matthias Reichl)

As an outcome of Firenze 10+10, dozens of organisations and movements
have started organising European Days of Action in March – coinciding
with the EU Spring Summit.

Please support the call below! (Organisations and individuals)

Sign-ons can be sent to this address: europeandayofaction@gmail.com


Our Democracy against their austerity! – a call for action against the
EU Spring Summit

‚For a European Spring‘ is a call for actions, strikes and
demonstrations all over Europe on the 13th of March, and for a
pan-European demonstration and creative actions in the city of
Brussels on the 14th of March. It is targeted at the EU Spring Summit,
where leaders from across the continent will assemble on the 14th and
15 to strengthen the European Council’s response to the crisis.

The response to date from economic and political elites in the
European Union amounts to a massive attack on welfare, social rights
and democracy. This has been achieved by undermining democracy,
reflected in EU policies including the imposition of austerity,
demands for deep cuts in social spending, attempts to weaken labour
laws and the roll back of hard earned labour rights.

This course of action is dangerous, profoundly unjust, and must be
reversed. While these policies are designed to rescue big banks and
big business, we, the vast majority, are made to pay for the excesses
of the privileged.

All over Europe struggles and strikes are happening against these
unjust policies. These struggles are our struggles, and we reject the
violent attempts of European states to suppress them. Now is the time
for solidarity across borders and sectors, to be the force to create
real democracy and social justice. We are seeking to build a society
where solutions, very different to those defended by the elites and
imposed by the EU, can be proposed and discussed by everybody.

We call for actions, strikes and demonstrations on the 13th March
across Europe as part of a week of European resistance, with a mass
mobilisation on the 14th in Brussels targeting the EU Spring Summit.
We will show those in power that our growing movement will, sooner or
later, be strong enough to change the course of Europe in the
interest of us all.

– Abolish all EU-austerity treaties and legislation!

– For an ecological Transition!

– Disarm Financial Markets!

– Debt: Don’t owe, don’t pay!

– Fire the Troika, not the people!