LabourStart: Two years after the shocking massacre of striking oil workers in Kazakhstan, seven activists remain in jail

Thank you so much for supporting the LabourStart campaign Kazakhstan: Free jailed oil workers„.

Today, six days after we launched this campaign, just under 9,600 people have sent off messages in support of the jailed oil workers. With your help, that will reach 10,000 later today.

Today marks the second anniversary of the brutal massacre of striking oil workers in Zhanaozen. You can read more about that and what’s happening today in Kazakhstan here. You’ll see that the entire international labour movement is rallying behind the jailed oil workers and demanding their release.

It’s great that so many of us have rallied to show our support for our brothers and sisters in Kazakhstan, but we can do so much more.

Here are a handful of ideas:

1. If you’re on Facebook, paste this link into your status, including some text in your own words to tell people why you’ve supported this campaign:

2. If you’re on Twitter, tweet something like this:

I support jailed oil workers in Kazakhstan – @labourstart

3. Please send an email message to every trade unionist you know — ideally to a mailing list with lots of people — saying the same thing.

4. Want to know more about online campaigning and the global labour movement?

Check out LabourStart’s first two booksCampaigning Online and Winning, and The Global Labour Movement: An Introduction — available as paperbacks or e-books for your Kindle. Full details here:

5. Finally, join us in Berlin on 23-25 May as hundreds of trade unionists from dozens of countries gather for the LabourStart Global Solidarity Conference. Full details here:

Thanks again for supporting this important campaign.

Solidarity forever!

Eric Lee

