Carole Seligman: „Herman Wallace wins release and dies 3 days later“


Sent: 10/8/2013 11:33:37 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Jaan Laaman’s words re: Herman Wallace and Lynne Stewart (transcript of audio)

„Herman Wallace wins release and dies 3 days later“

     Herman Wallace from the Angola 3 case, had his decades old conviction overturned and was freed by a federal judge on Oct. 4th.  He died of liver cancer 3 days later.

     This is Jaan Laaman, your political prisoner voice, coming to you from the federal prison in Tucson, Arizona.  Allow me to share some details of a sad and ugly case of injustice and the incredible, one could call it heroic, determination, resilience and strength of Herman Wallace, Albert Woodfox and Robert King Wilkerson – the Angola 3.

     In the early 1970’s, Herman, Albert and Robert were young prisoners in the notoriously racist Angola state prison in Louisiana.  In keeping with the then spirit and times of positive change and justice, they organized a chapter of the Black panther Party inside Angola prison.  The racist authorities unleashed every manner of abuse against them and finally falsely charged and convicted them of the killing of a guard, even though there was no evidence against them and they knew these men had nothing to do with it.  Then they were thrown into segregation.

     29 years later Robert King had his conviction thrown out and he was released.  This October 4th, after a long review of Herman Wallace’s legal record, Federal Judge Brian Jackson overturned his conviction and ordered his immediate release.  Herman had been very ill with liver cancer for a long time.  An ambulance drove him from the prison to a hospital were family and hundreds of supporters were waiting for him.  It was a joyous moment, and 3 days later Herman died from his cancer.

     Herman Wallace spent 41 years in a 6 by 9 foot segregation cell.  That is longer that anyone else in U.S. history.  Albert Woodfox remains in segregation, 41 years and still counting.

     Herman did die free, well kind of free, as one can be in this land of imperialist war and hate.  To finally beat his racist frame up case is a victory, no doubt.  To spend 41 years in segregation and to leave almost dead – to die 3 days later, is a pretty hard win.

     And what about the wonderful and courageous Human Right attorney, Lynne Stewart who is right now dying of breast and other cancers in the Carswell federal prison in Texas?  The Federal Bureau of Prisons Director has denied her request for compassionate medical release.  Maybe they will wait until she has 3 days to live and then let her go.

    Until next time remember, Freedom is a Constant Struggle.  And keep Lynne, Albert and the rest of us, political prisoners in your thoughts.“


A life stolen by Angola (USA)


Herman Wallace died on Oct. 4th, 2013

Via MumiaNYC

This morning we lost without a doubt the biggest, bravest, and brashest personality in the political prisoner world.  It is with great sadness that I write with the news of Herman Wallace’s passing.

Herman never did anything half way.  He embraced his many quests and adventures in life with a tenacious gusto and fearless determination that will absolutely never be rivaled.  He was exceptionally loyal and loving to those he considered friends, and always went out of his way to stand up for those causes and individuals in need of a strong voice or fierce advocate, no matter the consequences.

Anyone lucky enough to have spent any time with Herman knows that his indomitable spirit will live on through his work and the example he left behind.  May each of us aspire to be as dedicated to something as Herman was to life, and to justice.

Below is a short obituary/press statement for those who didn’t know him well in case you wish to circulate something.  Tributes from those who were closest to Herman and more information on how to help preserve his legacy by keeping his struggle alive will soon follow.

With deepest sadness,


Tory Pegram

Campaign Coordinator

International Coalition to Free the Angola 3


On October 4th, 2013, Herman Wallace, an icon of the modern prison reform movement and an innocent man, died a free man after spending an unimaginable 41 years in solitary confinement.

Herman spent the last four decades of his life fighting against all that is unjust in the criminal justice system, making international the inhuman plight that is long term solitary confinement, and struggling to prove that he was an innocent man.  Just 3 days before his passing, he succeeded, his conviction was overturned, and he was released to spend his final hours surrounded by loved ones.  Despite his brief moments of freedom, his case will now forever serve as a tragic example that justice delayed is justice denied.

Herman Wallace’s early life in New Orleans during the heyday of an unforgiving and unjust Jim Crow south often found him on the wrong side of the law and eventually he was sent to the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola for armed robbery.  While there, he was introduced to the Black Panther’s powerful message of self determination and collective community action and quickly became one of its most persuasive and ardent practitioners.

Not long after he began to organize hunger and work strikes to protest the continued segregation, endemic corruption, and horrific abuse rampant at the prison, he and his fellow panther comrades Albert Woodfox and Robert King were charged with murders they did not commit and thrown in solitary.  Robert was released in 2001 after 29 years in solitary but Herman remained there for an unprecedented 41 years, and Albert is still in a 6×9 solitary cell.

Herman’s criminal case ended with his passing, but his legacy will live on through a civil lawsuit he filed jointly with Robert and Albert that seeks to define and abolish long term solitary confinement as cruel and unusual punishment, and through his comrade Albert Woodfox’s still active and promising bid for freedom from the wrongful conviction they both shared.

Herman was only 9 days shy of 72 years old.

Services will be held in New Orleans. The date and location will be forthcoming.

For more information visit and



Posted on 10/02/2013 by Diane Bukowski

–          See more at:

After 42 years, political prisoner Herman Wallace released from prison

Imprisoned Black Panther has cancer, may have but days to live

… The cases of Wallace and the other members of the Angola 3 not only exemplify the worst of the racist court system in Louisiana, but also serve as an inspiration for the movement against mass incarceration and targeting of Black, Latino and poor communities.  … The real crime of theAngola3 is their consistent struggle against the racist prison system. Herman Wallace, Robert King Wilkerson and Albert Woodfox organized one of the first prison chapters of the Black Panther Party, building a movement to desegregate the prison, end systematic rape and violence and for better general conditions for prisoners. They organized many strikes and sit-ins behind the walls of Angola State Penitentiary, the largest maximum security prison in theUnited States, built on the site of a slave plantation. … Free theAngola3 and all political prisoners! Tear down the prison walls!

After 41 years ‘Angola3’ inmate is freed to die

… Mr Wallace was finally released from solitary confinement in June, vowing that he would continue to fight to prove his innocence. “The deeper they bury me, the louder my voice becomes,” he pledged from behind bars….

Four Decades of Cruel, Degrading & Inhuman Treatment in Prison—But Herman Wallace Is Now Free

Video of Democracy Now on Herman Wallace: After 4 Decades in Solitary, DyingAngola3 Prisoner Herman Wallac

Incredibly cruel and extremely inhuman

Zulu’s tribute to Herman ‘Hooks’ Wallace: Freedom ain’t never been free

40 jaar onterecht vast en nog maar weken te leven

Usa, Herman Wallace scarcerato dopo 41 anni in isolamento

41 Jahre Isolationshaft: Lebenslanges Unrecht