Monica Moorehead: Sis Ramona Africa warnt, dass Gericht Mumia endgültig lebenslang einsperrt

Betreff:!*Harlem Report +
MOVE/Mumia 8/8-9
Film + Town Hall!
Datum: Freitag, 1. August 2008 17:51  PLEASE MAKE PLANS NOW TO SUPPORT! PASS THE WORD!
Sis. Ramona Africa:
The MOVE family will be presenting the film on the August 8, 1978
confrontation between MOVE and this system at Clark Park. This will be
on Friday, August 8th at 7:00pm. Clark Park is located at 43rd & 45th
Sts between Chester and Woodland Aves. August 8th marks 30 years of
unjust imprisonment for our MOVE family and they were just denied parole
since they wouldn’t lie and say that they are guilty when they’re not
guilty. Come on out to see the film and get updated on where things are
at now. Also join us on August 9th at DC1199C at Juniper & Locust
Sts. for a joint program on MOVE and Mumia—Ramona
Free Mumia NYC:
Now is the time for all of us organizers in the people’s movements to be
the voice for Mumia, as he has been for all of us. Pam Africa wants
everybody to know that the court has tried to make it impossible for
Mumia to ever be released from jail alive. Mumia is innocent and we
want his freedom, not a life or death sentence. Come to Philly on
Saturday, August 9th, where we’ll organize to free Mumia and to change
the parole rules which have denied freedom to the innocent MOVE 9. To
reserve a seat on the bus from New York, call 212/330-8029 or e-mail .
The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals in PA has just rejected Mumia’s
request for a rehearing before the entire Court. This means that Mumia
faces execution if the prosecution appeals and wins; as it stands now,
it’s life in prison without the possibility of parole. Only the power
of the organized people can force the state to release this innocent
man. The MOVE 9 and Kevin Brinkley are also innocent and have been
unjustly imprisoned for 30 years.
Join the Free Mumia Coalition NYC and ICFFMAJ as we remember the August
8 1978 military style attack on MOVE. There will be a Town Hall
meeting, organizing to free Mumia and change the rules for consideration
of parole on Saturday, August 9, 12 noon at Phila’s AFSCME 1199 Union
Hall at 1319 Locust St. (near Juniper).
To arrange for group transportation from NY and to reserve a seat on the
bus, call 212-330-8029 or e-mail
Luisa Brehm:
Check out this article from Workers World:
Harlem Mtg discusses Mumia’s legal case
Sundiata Sadiq, Suzanne Ross and attorney Soffiyah Elijah spoke at a New
York Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition open meeting on July 25 in Harlem to
explain the political implications in the latest phase of Mumia’s legal
appeals process dedicated to winning him a new trial. (pix is at website)
On July 22 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit based in
Philadelphia denied Mumia’s petition that exposed the racist systematic
exclusion of Black jurors by the prosecution during his original 1982 trial.
A jury convicted him on first degree murder charges that sent him to
Pennsylvania’s death row. Mumia’s lawyers will now appeal this decision
to the U.S. Supreme Court in late October. The options for Mumia are
either execution or life in prison without parole. The movement will
continue to fight against both options.
The main message of the speakers at the July 25 meeting was to continue
to remain politically vigilant and organize in the streets to win
Mumia’s freedom.
On Aug. 9 in Philadelphia, a forum is scheduled around the 30th
anniversary of the unprovoked police attack on the MOVE organization.
Just as Mumia was unjustly sent to death row for over 26 years, the MOVE
9 have been falsely imprisoned for 30 years. They were recently denied
parole. Mumia’s case will also be discussed at the Aug. 9 forum.
For more information on the forum, call International Concerned Family
and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal at 215-476-8812 or the New York Free
Mumia Coalition at 212-330-8029.
*—Monica Moorehead*
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