NSA/GCHQ: The HACIENDA Program for Internet Colonization – global coverage by GCHQ and NSA – NSA und GCHQ greifen flächendeckend Server auf der ganzen Welt an (Heinz Leitner)

News from the surveillance empire: Big Brother is watching you (emails, telephone calls, money transfer, your computer etc)

PS: Citizens surrender their freedom to corporate capitalism? – Rethinking Hegel’s Dialectics of the Master and the Servant: The Political Consequences in the age of the surveillance empire … According to the master-servant dialectics, truth is undermined by the power of the master; it is a power that is accomplished through ideology, which is a deceitful substitute of truth. Truth instead, is on the side of the repressed and can be achieved only by fighting the ideology of the master. …

The colonialization of the internet by GCHQ and NSA – global coverage by GCHQ and NSA

NSA/GCHQ: The HACIENDA Program for Internet Colonization

Translations of this article are available in German, French, Italian and Spanish.



Documents revealed by Edward Snowden and pertaining to the National Security Agency (NSA), US surveillance programs and US Intelligence Community partners abroad have been released and reported on since 5 June 2013. Below is a list of the revelations, with links to documents and relevant articles, with the most recent ones at the top.

Five Eyes port scanning entire countries

In 2009, GCHQ started port scanning entire countries for vulnernble computer systems, targeting administrative as well as public facing services. A presentation on the HACIENDA system describes full data being available for 27 unnamed countries and partial data for a further five. Documents describe the resulting data being shared among Five Eyes partners using a protocol called MAILORDER.


Die vollständige Kolonisierung des Netzes



NSA und GCHQ greifen flächendeckend Server auf der ganzen Welt an

Geheime Dokumente belegen die Kolonisierung des Internet
