Robert R.Bryan’s update: Lügenbuch über den Mord an Faulkner erschienen etc.

Von: <RobertRBryan>
Betreff: Mumia Abu-Jamal – Legal Update, etc.
Datum: Donnerstag, 06. Dezember 2007 00:55
Dear Friends:
My office was notified this afternoon that NBC’s „Today Show“ will air a
segment on the case at 7:40 am (EST) tomorrow, December 6. Even though the focus
will be on the book „Murdered By Mumia“, it should include a small portion
of a taped interview with me. We have no control over what will be aired,
for I was not permitted to be live on the program. One can only hope that it
will include some of my more powerful comments. All Mumia and I ask is to be
treated fairly and honestly.
I have read portions of the new book. It is replete with half-truths and
distortions. Sadly there is an absence of concern for the true facts and that
the trial was riddled by racism and fraud. Rather, the book’s focus is on
vengeance, seeing Mumia die at the hands of the executioner irrespective of
the truth. I do not intend to let that happen.
We continue to await a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit, Philadelphia. My goal remains to win a new and fair trial for Mumia.
I will not rest until he is freed by a jury. I intend to see Mumia go home
to his family.
Thank you for your concern in this quest for justice.
With best wishes,
Robert R. Bryan
Law Offices of Robert R. Bryan
2088 Union Street, Suite 4
San Francisco, California 94123
Lead counsel for Mumia Abu-Jamal