Sis Fatirah: Bezirksanwalt fordert US-Supreme Court auf, Mumia hinrichten zu lassen (nattyreb)

We have informations, that the Supreme Court can come back with a ruling, at any time
Also, in light of the recent comments of the new, soon to be, District
Attorney, SETH WILLIAMS….that he will execute Mumia, The Concerned
Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, are calling all supporters of
justice, to an emergency meeting this Saturday, October 17, 2009 from
12:00 noon to 3:00p.m. This emergency meeting will take place at the
Abiding Truth Ministries, located at 846 S. 57th St. (57th & Christian
St’s.), Philadelphia.
You will receive a packet of information along with a DVD of Mumia’s
case, showing „prosecutorial misconduct“. Please, Please, be in
The Mumia hit piece, „The Barrel of a Gun“ is also slated for release
in early December, these are serious times for Mumia, y’all, and now
is the time to fight for him!!
Call (212) 330-8029 for transportation to Philly from New York, which
is leaving from New York at 9AM and will be back in New York by 7PM.!