Am 29.6 hob das 3.Anrufungsgericht die Entscheidung des Stillstands im “Fall” Mumia auf! (St.Bloom)

Von: „Steve Bloom“ <…………>
Datum: Dienstag, 06. Juli 2004
—–Original Message—–
From: Litestar01
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 3:02 PM
    There has been an urgent developement in Mumia’s case which could lead to execution if we don’t take this very seriously and unite to fight this gross injustice.  Recently the stay was lifted from Mumia’s case which means that Mumia’s life is in grave danger.  Below is a description of our important action on Sunday, July 11th along with a legal update which explains the situation.  Please join us on the 11th to continue to build the movement to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
   This year the energy that we usually spend on a July 4th demonstration will be used on Sunday, July 11th.  That weekend is the national conference of the NAACP and we will be meeting at 3pm at the Pennsylvania convention center at 1101 Arch St.  to hold banners, pass out leaflets, educate people of the grave injustice in Mumia’s case and sign folks up to work.  Please spread the word and join us to demand freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal, an end to the racist death penalty and freedom for all political prisoners.
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
 July 5, 2004
On June 29, 2004, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit lifted its stay in the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, and ordered briefing. At issue is whether the death judgment should stand.  Also pending is the prosecution’s unconstitutional use of racism in jury selection.
Robert R. Bryan, Mumia’s lead attorney, has summed up the impact of the latest developments:
“Mumia’s case is now moving forward.  He is in extremely grave danger.  The authorities want to silence his voice and pen.  They thought this could be accomplished by convicting this innocent man and placing him on death row.  However, his voice against injustice and oppression is now stronger then ever, and is heard and read throughout the world.  The government knows that the only way to stop Mumia is to murder him in the name of the law, to execute him.  In over three decades of litigating death-penalty cases, I have not seen one in which the government wants so badly to kill a client.  We must not rest until Mumia is free!”
The Court of Appeals briefing order came on the heels of a U.S. Supreme Court decision in Beard v. Banks, ___ U.S. ___, 2004 WL 1402567 (June 24, 2004).  The issue is whether this ruling should apply to the case of Mumia.  The prosecution is contending that the order for Mumia’s execution must remain and be carried out.  However, it is the view of Mr. Bryan that “this tragically unfair decision in the Banks case should not have an effect on Mumia.”

    Es hat eine dramatische Entwicklung im Mumias Fall gegeben, die zur Ausführung führen könnte, wenn wir sie nicht sehr ernst nehmen und uns vereinigen, um diese grobe Ungerechtigkeit zu bekämpfen.  Vor kurzem wurde die Suspendierung von Mumias Fall aufgehoben, was bedeutet, dass Mumias Leben in großer Gefahr ist.  Unten ist eine Beschreibung unserer wichtigen Maßnahmen vom Sonntag, dem 11. Juli zusammen mit einer legalen Aktualisierung, die die Situation erklärt.  Bitte schließen Sie sich uns am 11. Juli  an, um fortzufahren, die Bewegung aufzubauen, um das Leben von Mumia Abu Jamal zu retten.
   Dieses Jahr wird die Energie, die wir normalerweise für eine  4. Juli-Demonstration verwenden, am Sonntag, dem 11. Juli gebraucht.  Dieses Wochenende ist die nationale Konferenz vom NAACP und wir treffen uns um 3 p.m. am Pennsylvanien Konventionszentrum an 1101 Arch St., um Transparente hochzuhalten, Flugblätter zu verteilen, Leuten über die große Ungerechtigkeit bei Mumias Fall zu informieren und Leute zur Mitarbeit zu gewinnen.  Bitte verbreiten Sie die Infos und schließen Sie sich uns an, um die Freiheit von Mumia Abu Jamal, ein Ende der rassistischen Todesstrafe und Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen, zu fordern.
Internationale besorgte Familie und Freunde von Mumia Abu Jamal
 5. Juli 2004
Am 29. Juni 2004 hob das US-Appelationsgericht  für den dritten Rundgang die Suspendierung im Fall von Mumia Abu Jamal auf und leitete das Instruktionsverfahren ein. Sache  ist jetzt, ob das Todesurteil aufrecht bleiben soll.  Aber es geht auch darum, ob eine verfassungswidrige Verwendung des Rassismus in der Geschworenenauswahl der Anklage stattgefunden hat.
Robert R. Bryan, Mumias Hauptanwalt, hat die Bedeutung der letzten Entwicklungen zusammen gefasst:
„Mumias Fall bewegt sich  jetzt.  Er ist in äußerst großer Gefahr.  Die US-Staatsstellen wollen Mumias Stimme und seine Füllfeder zum Schweigen bringen.  Sie dachten, dass dies durch Verurteilung dieses unschuldigen Mannes und ihn in die Todeszelle zu verbringen erreicht werden konnte.  Allerdings ist seine Stimme gegen Ungerechtigkeit und Unterdrückung jetzt  noch stärker geworden und wird überall in der Welt gehört und gelesen.  Die Regierung weiß, dass die einzige Art, mit Mumia abzurechnen seine Ermordung im Namen des Gesetzes ist.  In über drei Jahrzehnten, in denen ich Todesstraffälle prozessiert habe, erlebte ich kein einziges Mal, wie die Regierung derart beharrlich einen Insassen töten will.  Wir dürfen nicht ruhen, bis Mumia frei ist!“ 

Mr. Bryan explained that Beard v. Banks is a complicated case.  The Supreme Court ruled on the appeal by Pennsylvania stemming from a Court of Appeals decision that invalidated the death sentence of George Banks, who has been on death row over 20 years for multiple murder.  Mr. Banks‘ death sentence had been overturned on the grounds that the jury instructions violated a Supreme Court ruling which held that jurors did not have to agree unanimously on the existence of mitigating circumstances in order to vote against death.  The issue in the Banks appeal was whether Mills v. Maryland, 486 U.S. 367 (1988) could be applied retroactively, as the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit had held.
On June 24 the Supreme Court reversed in a 5-4 decision written by Justice Clarence Thomas.  He concluded that the Mills case, which held unconstitutional capital sentencing schemes that require juries to disregard mitigating factors not found unanimously, did not apply retroactively.  It was determined that the Banks conviction became final in 1987, thus the 1988 Mills decision did not affect his case even though what had occurred was unconstitutional.  Hence, Mr. Banks and others similarly situated could not benefit from the Mills decision and his death judgment will stand.  It is understood that about 30 other Pennsylvania death sentences are at stake for similar concerns.
 Mr. Bryan pointed out that Justice Stevens, joined by Justices Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer, strongly dissented.  Justice Stevens said that the “use of such a procedure is unquestionably unconstitutional today, and I believe it was equally so in 1987 when respondent’s death sentence became final.”  He further explained that “Mills simply represented a straightforward application of our longstanding view that ‘the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments cannot tolerate the infliction of a sentence of death under [a] legal syste[m] that permit[s] the unique penalty to be . . . wantonly and . . . freakishly imposed.’”  Justice Souter said that “a death sentence based upon a verdict of 11 jurors who would have relied on a given mitigating circumstance to spare a defendant’s life, and a single holdout who blocked them from doing so, would surely be an egregious failure to express the public conscience accurately.”  He found that too much importance is given “to the finality of capital sentences and not enough to their accuracy.”
There are other legal developments concerning the legal fight to free Mumia.  Robert Bryan is awaiting a ruling on a petition he filed in the trial court, the Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, concerning new evidence of innocence and prosecutorial fraud.  He will also be attempting to go back into the U.S. District Court regarding the statement by the trial judge, who said during the trial in reference to Mumia:
„Yeah, and I’m going to help’em fry the nigger.”
Peace all,
 It is urgent that Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case be addressed at the upcoming NAACP convention here in Philly.  Local Chairman, J. Wyatt Mondesire has promised Pam Africa that she would be able to speak about Mumia, only to withdraw his invitation at the last moment.    We are urging everyone who reads this email to please contact the NAACP and demand that Mumia’s case be on that platform!   The very idea that the co-conspirators of this proposed murder will be allowed to speak, ie, Fast Eddie Rendell, while silencing the voice that is at the forefront of attempting to avert that murder and speak truth to the case is silenced at such an important event is intolerable!   Call J. Wyatt Mondesire.    Call or email the National Branch,  headed by Kweisi Mfume   MJfume himself at one time said that the case needed to be examined, so let him live up to his words.  Following is contact information.
 2004 Annual Convention
When: July 10-15, 2004
Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
            Pennsylvania Convention Center
            1101 Arch Street
            Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
 local NAACP
215) 574-2174    1015 Chestnut St,  Philadelphia,  PA 19107      
(215) 978-7500    1619 Cecil B Moore Ave,  Philadelphia,  PA 19121
 NAACP 24 Hour Hotline
(410) 521-4939  