The Coca-Cola Case: An Interview With Ray Rogers On the „Killer Coke“ Campaign (29.9.10,

Interview With Ray Rogers On the „Killer Coke“ Campaign
Ray Rogers, the campaign coordinator of the Killer Coke campaign is interviewed about the film „The Coca-Cola Case“. The company has systematically engaged in  a campaign to murder and terrorize union organizers in Colombia and Guatemala. The film is about the case in Federal Court in Florida to put them on trial for the murders and rapes of Coca-Cola workers and their families.
The Coca-Cola Case (81 min.)

By Carmen Garcia and German Gutierrez (2009) – Canada

This important film shows the struggle to get justice for the workers and their families of the Coke bottling plant workers in Colombia. These workers have been terrorize, murdered and raped by the Colombian company owners in complicity with US executives and are fighting for a trial for these crimes in Florida. Over 1400 Colombian trade unionists have been assassinated for union activity in past years and US companies are intimately involved  in some of these murders. Through interviews with the lawyers, the  conspiracy of the Coca-Cola company to destroy unions and violate  democratic rights is a threat to workers and people throughout the world  and this films exposes these criminal connections.

It also shows the privatization of the water supplies for the profit
of this multi-national.
It will also be screened at FilmWorkers United Festival as part of
LaborFest 2010.