Unterschreibt bitte Petitionen gegen die Todesstrafe oder rassistische & willkürliche Haftstrafen (12.12.2011 – 1.12.2012) – in Arbeit

Die Todesstrafe ist keine angemessene Antwort auf Mord und Kriminalität. Wo sich der Staat zum Richter über Leben und Tod aufschwingt, nimmt nicht Gerechtigkeit ihren Lauf, sondern Rache und Vergeltung.

Die Botschaft von Amnesty International lautet deshalb unmissverständlich: Staaten können nicht gleichzeitig die Menschenrechte achten und die Todesstrafe verhängen und vollstrecken.

Aus diesem Grund setzt sich Amnesty International seit über 30 Jahren gegen diese Strafe ein. Und dies mit zunehmendem Erfolg: Immer mehr Staaten schaffen diese Strafe ab. Dennoch bleibt noch viel zu tun, Jahr für Jahr werden tausende Menschen hingerichtet. (Amnesty International)


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 Tokyo High Court Denies Hoshino Retrial in Blatant Violation of Law Hoshino Raises Objection Immediately Free Innocent Political Prisoner Hoshino

Video: SF Rally to Free Hoshino „Free Hoshino Now“, 28.11.2011

Fumiaki Hoshino is one of the longest political prisoners in the world. He helped organize a protest in November 14, 1971 against the „Okinawa Reversion Agreement“ which helped allow the US to base nuclear weapons in Okinawa. A policeman and women trade unionist were killed and he was framed up and charged with the murder. He has been in jail under repressive conditions for over 37 years. A US support committee has been organized to demand his freedom and will be having a press conference and picket and will demand that the Japanese government release him immediately.

US Hoshino Defense Committee

Send a protest letter to:
11th Criminal Division of Tokyo High Court
1-1-4 Kasumigaseki, Chiyodaku, Tokyo

Send a solidarity letter to:
Mr. Fumiaki Hosino
200-1 Nyutacho-ohisa, Tokushima-City, Tokushima Prefecture
779-3133 Japan


Free Mumia/Berlin: Stoppt d.Hinrichtung von Hank Skinner! Zuerst Hinrichtung, dann DNA-Test …

Obwohl die Geschworenen keine triftigen Beweise geliefert bekamen, und die Hauptzeugin der Anklage ihre Aussage zurück zog, steht dem Gefangenen Hank Skinner am 9. November 2011 zum zweiten Mal ein Hinrichtungstermin bevor. Paradoxerweise soll seine Tatschuld erst 2012 untersucht werden. (31.10.2011)



Robert Will im Todestrakt in Texas  

Ich bitte euch, auch weiterhin auf den Fall von Rob in eueren Nachrichten zu verweisen, da sich Rob gerade in einer äußerst entscheidenden Phase seines Kampfes um sein Leben befindet. Die kleine Unterstützungsgruppe von Rob in den USA, Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweden, England, Australien ist euch für jegliche Unterstützung für unseren unschuldig zum Tode verurteilten Freund besonders dankbar. Ich darf euch zur näheren Information einige Links zu Rob anschließen. (Heinz Leitner)


We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana
 Please sign the petition here

We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana

We have learned the astonishing news of “Dr. Raisdana’s arrest” by the
security agents of the Islamic republic on the early morning of December
19th, 2010 at his home in Tehran. Dr. Fariborz Raisdana is a well known
intellectual, economist, social activist, and …the active member of the
Iranian writers’ association. He published several books and articles on
political economy and sociology. He has been known as a leftist
socio-economic expert who always considers working class in his economic
impairment analysis. So that he can be firmly called as “Iranian working
class economist”. Dr. Raisdana’s field of expertise is econometrics. He
has tried hard to disclose how workers and wage earners have been
implicated by the relations of political economy in the turbulent
Iranian society and how they have been increasingly suffering.

Arrest of Dr. Raisdana , the member of the Iranian writers’ association
which is a long-lasting core on the struggle against censorship in Iran
, is a warning to the grass root movements who are seeking public
justice and to the people whose main civil and democratic demand is
focused on human rights and freedom of speech in spite of the extensive
violation of civil rights in Iran. Moreover, his arrest, as a leftist
economist who criticizes the Iranian government socio-economic
platforms, points out the fact that social and political oppression
apparatus in Iran is trying to implement its unfair plan to reduce the
allocation of national subsidies. This is the unreasonable plan which
has been evaluated by the majority of the experts as a plan to
consolidate the military authority in the public sphere of Iran. It is
out of question that the military economic plan results in reducing
welfare and increasing pressure on the lower classes which Dr. Raisdana
is their voice in the society to stand against the illegitimate
resilient structure.

We, undersigned, condemn Dr. Raisdana’s arrest and with pledge to civil
rights and freedom of speech we demand his immediate and unconditional

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January 4th, 2011 | Tags: Fariborz Raisdana, iran, Iranian Writers‘
Association, Islamic Republic of Iran, petition, repression, solidarity,
Tehran | Category: News from Iran
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Datum: Freitag, 7. Januar 2011 14:46


Unterschriftenkampagne: Eine Million Unterschriften für die Freilassung Abdullah Öcalans One million signatures for the release of Abdullah Ocalan, the legitimate leader of the Kurdish People. Millions of Kurds in the Middle East, like the Palestinians and like the majority of South Africans under apartheid, have for decades had to endure the dispossession of their land, the systematic   stripping away of their human rights and the suppression of their culture and dignity. The Kurds have been victims of massive human rights abuses, particularly in Iraq and Turkey.