RCIT: Successful demonstration in Vienna in solidarity with Gaza!

Report from the Revolutionary Communist Organization for the Liberation (RKOB, Austrian Section of the RCIT), 19.11.2012 www.rkob.net

The Revolutionary Communist Organization for the Liberation (RKOB) – together with the youth organization RED*REVOLUTION – called for a demonstration on 19.11.2012 in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance. Already three days before, there was a demonstration in which both organizations had played a central role.

On Monday, 19.11., we met on Stephansplatz in the centre of Vienna at 4pm despite the rain, to show their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. After a rally with a number of speeches at the beginning, about 150 people marched in a militant spirit to the U.S. Embassy. We chanted slogans like „Let Gaza live!“ „Freedom for Palestine„, „Down, down Israel„, „Palestine will be free – From the River to the Sea!“ „Intifada„, „One solution, Revolution!“ and other slogans.

Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, stressed the complicity of the imperialist powers – especially the U.S. and the EU – in the oppression of Palestinians. He emphasized the importance of an international campaign against the imperialist propaganda and the oppressor state Israel.

Johannes Wiener and Nina Gunić, spokespersons of the RKOB, as well as organizers of the aid campaign „We are all Gaza!„, stressed the importance of direct aid to our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

The spokesman for the youth organization RED*REVOLUTION, Marc Hangler, condemned Israel’s actions sharply and emphasized its character as an apartheid state. Together with Maja Borisavljevic he called for an immediate end to attacks on Gaza and for the prevention of imminent ground offensive by Israel.

Moreover Souha Khamini, an activist in the solidarity movement with Gaza, and Mohamed Aburous, spokesman for the campaign „Gaza must live“ expressed in speeches their solidarity with Gaza.

This demonstration was a further important step in the solidarity work with Palestine. It was also an important action to support the creation of solidarity committees with Gaza as part of the „We are all Gaza!“ campaign.

A preparatory meeting of the campaign as well as the preparation for the creation of various committees will take place on 21.11. The demonstrations of 16.11. and on 19.11. were excellent, but they can only be a beginning! Shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in Palestine! Long live international solidarity!

Pictures and videos of the demonstration at 19.11. can be viewed on the RKOB website:

Pictures: http://www.rkob.net/multimedia/bilder-gaza-19-nov-2012/

Videos: http://www.rkob.net/multimedia/video-gaza-19-nov-2012/

Youtube-Kanal der RKOB: http://www.youtube.com/revolutioncommunism

Michael Pröbsting
Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
E-Mai: rcit@thecommunists.net
Website: www.thecommunists.net
Tel. +43-650-4068314