Icffmaj, 23.1.12: Philly Press Conference to Demand an End to Mumia’s Torturous Isolation!



 Philly Press Conference to Demand an End to Mumia’s Torturous Isolation!

 Datum: Dienstag, 24. Jänner 2012 03:00

 > From: icffmaj@aol.com

> Date: January 23, 2012 8:39:56 PM EST

> Thursday

> Time

> 11:00am until 12:30pm

> Where

> The Friends Center – 15th and Cherry St. Philly

> Description

> *Please alert your media contacts*

> Since Mumia’s death sentence was dropped on December 7th he’s been held in isolation under conditions far worse than those on death row. On Friday, 1/27 a delegation of supporters and prison rights activists will travel to Camp Hill prison to take our demands directly to the Department of Corrections. We will deliver our letters and petitions to demand an end to these conditions for Mumia and all prisoners being tortured in isolation.

> go here to sign the petition:

> https://www.change.org/petitions/transfer-and-assign-mumia-abu-jamal-to-general-


> Mumia was held in solitary confinement on death row for over ten years despite a standing court order declaring his death sentence illegal. He is now being punished because the District Attorney and Fraternal Order of Police are defeated in legally lynching him. Now the state is trying to silence Mumia by other means. He is currently being held in degrading, torturous Adminstrative Custody (AC) at SCI Mahanoy, a medium security prison. The Department of Corrections has bogus excuses for why Mumia is not in general population with contact visits, phone calls, and his legal, reading, and writing materials. Instead Mumia is in „the hole,” shackeled whenever he’s outside his cell (even to the shower), glaring lights 24/7, no regular phone calls, restrictive visits, inadequate commissary, no access to his materials and denied his typewriter. The Department of Corrections is subjecting Mumia to daily conditions that are more onerous than death row!

> These are the conditions in the Restricted Housing Units called Administrative Custody, Disciplinary Custody, and Special Management Unit. They are designed to torture and we demand that they be shut down!

> This issue is critical to the fight to free Mumia from prison. Mumia is innocent. He was framed up by the police, District Attorney, and a racist judge for being a political opponent of the government. Mumia will not be silenced. Stop the torture!

> 267-760-7344 icffmaj@aol.com  freemumia.com