International Action Center, 18.4.12: Free Mumia! Your Help is Needed


Free Mumia! Your Help is Needed!

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International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Free Mumia Coalition International Action Center

Free Mumia and all political prisoners! You Have Made a Difference!

We need your support for the next step!
Dear Friends and Supporters of Mumia,

Congratulations on being part of the historic victory which got Mumia
off death row! The amazing 30-year-old international movement to free
Mumia did it. Despite great efforts to kill Mumia by the state of
Pennsylvania and all its backers — the courts, the police, the
corporate institutions and the politicians who hate him for telling
the truth about who runs America — we stopped them from killing our

Professor Anthony Monteiro of Temple University has called this
removal of Mumia from death row one of the greatest civil rights
victories of our era. Seeing Mumia walk into the general population
visiting room with no handcuffs or shackles, with his fist raised and
then eating with us, only strengthened our commitment to see him walk
out of prison altogether.

It is in that spirit that we return to you to ask, once again, for
your political and financial support to free Mumia and all that such a
victory would represent for justice in this country.

Immediately following the inspiring celebration at Philadelphia’s
Constitution Center last December 9, three different task forces were
formed to work simultaneously on winning Mumia’s complete release
from prison

Philadelphia Campaign to Pressure the District Attorney

The first is a campaign to pressure Seth Williams, the District
Attorney of Philadelphia who campaigned for Mumia’s execution and
now wants him to spend the rest of his life in prison. Our goal is to
have him see a conscious and mobilized community so that perhaps he
will change his tune to remain in office.

Occupy the DoJ on April 24

The second task force is to Occupy the Department of Justice on April
24, Mumia’s birthday. This will be a day of action, including civil
disobedience by Danny Glover, M1 of Dead Prez, Frances Fox Piven,
Norman Finkelstein and others. People will challenge DoJ for refusing
to examine the case of Mumia and other political prisoners; police
terrorism and racism; the targeting, jailing, and disappearance of
Muslims and immigrants; participating in the mass incarceration of
Black and Latino people and the subjection of hundreds of prisoners to
solitary confinement.

Petition International Human Rights Bodies to Address Mumia’s and
other Political Prisoners’ Cases; Oppose Solitary Confinement

The third task force is petitioning international human rights bodies
to hold the U.S. accountable for its violations of human rights in
Mumia’s case. Last week, on April 11, we filed a lengthy petition
detailing the violations of Mumia’s and his family’s human rights
campaigns over these last 30 years and continuing to this day, with
the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. If these bodies find
the U.S. has violated international human rights standards in its
treatment of Mumia, they can embarrass the U.S. and isolate it still
more in the international arena. Although the U.S. doesn’t admit it,
this kind of pressure has had an impact on policy in the past.

Additionally, looking forward, we are already planning a major event
at Riverside Church on Friday, September 14, with Angela Davis,
Michelle Alexander, Mark Lamont Hill, Cornel West, and U.S. Special
Rapporteur on Torture, Juan E. Mendez. On the anniversary of the day
following the massacre at Attica on September 13, 1971 we will call
for the shutting down of Attica, as horrific today as it was more than
40 years ago.

We need funding for all of these activities: Buses for the April 24
demonstration in Washington, DC; air travel expenses and housing for
speakers at the September 14 Riverside Church event; organizers’
travel expenses to Washington, DC to meet with representatives of the
appropriate international bodies for our international human rights
campaigns; producing appropriate educational and outreach material and

You can make a difference! Please give what you can for these

To make a tax-deductible contribution, write a check or money order
to FMAJC/IFCO and send it to: FMAJC, Box 16, College Station, New
York, NY 10030.

To contribute online (non tax-deductible), follow the link here
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With deep appreciation for your contributions and support in the
past, we remain

Ona Move!

Pam Africa, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia

Suzanne Ross, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)

P.S. All funds will be shared by ICFFMAJ and FMAJC to carry out these
campaigns successfully. Check out
, where there are fliers, press releases and a lot more about these
efforts and how to participate. You can also donate there.

Donate here
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