New Book Announcement: THE GREAT ROBBERY OF THE SOUTH von Michael Pröbsting

Special Edition of “Revolutionary Communism News”, Newsletter of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, No.17, 11.2.2013

(1) Introduction

(2) Back Cover Text of the Book

(3) Book Details and Special Offer

(4) Book’s Table of Contents

(5) Contact Details

The RCIT is proud to announce the publication of a new book. It’s called THE GREAT ROBBERY OF THE SOUTH. The book’s subtitle is: Continuity and Changes in the Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial World by Monopoly Capital. Consequences for the Marxist Theory of Imperialism. The book is in English-language. It has 15 chapters, 448 pages and includes 139 Tables and Figures. The author of the book is Michael Pröbsting who is the International Secretary of the RCIT.

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The following paragraphs are the back cover text of the book which gives an overview of its content.

In The Great Robbery of the South Michael Pröbsting analyses the super-exploitation and oppression of the semi-colonial world (often referred to as the “Third World”) by the imperialist powers and monopolies. He shows that the relationship between the small minority of rich capitalist countries and the huge majority of mankind living in the semi-colonial world forms one of the most important elements of the imperialist world system we are living in.

The Great Robbery of the South shows that the past decades have been a complete confirmation of the validity of Lenin’s theory of imperialism and its programmatic conclusions.

The Great Robbery of the South demonstrates the important changes in the relationship between the imperialist and the semi-colonial countries. Using comprehensive material (including 139 Tables and Figures), Michael Pröbsting elaborates that never before has such a big share of the world capitalist value been produced in the South. Never before haven the imperialist monopolies been so dependent on the super-exploitation of the semi-colonial world. Never before has migrant labor from the semi-colonial world played such a significant role for the capitalist value production in the imperialist countries. Never before has the huge majority of the world working class lived in the South – outside of the old imperialist metropolises.

In The Great Robbery of the South Michael Pröbsting argues that a correct understanding of the nature of imperialism as well as of the program of permanent revolution which includes the tactics of consistent anti-imperialism is essential for anyone who wants to change the world and bring about a socialist future.
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Title: The Great Robbery of the South

Subtitle: Continuity and Changes in the Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial World by Monopoly Capital. Consequences for the Marxist Theory of Imperialism

Author: Michael Pröbsting

Book Format: Paperback, A5, 448 pages

Price: 15 Euro / 20 US-Dollars / 13 British Pound

A Publication of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency

If you order the book already now we will send you the book for 12 Euro / 16 US-Dollars / 10,5 British Pound (plus postal charges).

If you want to order the book please contact us (see below for full details).

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In order to provide a better insight we reprint below the book’s table of contents with the chapter headings, and nested subheadings.


List of Tables and Figures

List of Abbreviations


1. Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism

“…as precise and full a Definition of Imperialism as possible”

Trotsky’s View of Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism

The Division of the World into Oppressing and Oppressed Nations

The Semi-Colonial Countries: a modified Form of Imperialist Subjugation or Independent Capitalist States?

The Role of the Superstructure and its Relationship with the Economic Basis

Imperialism and the Semi-Colonial State

2. Monopolism and the increasing Role of Monopolies in the World Economy

Imperialism as Policy or as Monopolism based on Economic Laws?

Monopolism and Monopoly Profit

The ever-increasing Grip of Monopolies in the World Economy

3. The Decline of Capitalism since the 1970s

4. Capitalist Value Production and the Working Class Move to the South

The Marxist Classics on the Industrialization of the South

Value and Price on the World Market: The Grand Distortion of the Value Creation in the South

The increasing Importance of the Proletariat in the South and the Emerging Imperialist Countries

5. Rising Exploitation, Super-Exploitation and the Lowering the Value of Labour Force

Marx and the Depressing the Wages below the Value of the Labor Force

Impoverishment and Précarisation of the World Working Class in the past Decades

The Rise in the Rate of Exploitation

6. Marxist Theory and Imperialist Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial Countries

Unequal Exchange

Capital Export

Migration and Super-Exploitation

Centrist Objections

The Role of the Foreign Market

7. The Various Forms of Imperialist Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial Countries and their Development in the past Decades (Part 1)

An Overview on the Financial Net Transfer

Importance of Raw Materials and Food

The Role of Imperialist Capital Export to the Semi-Colonial World

Excurse: Capital Export and Capital Export is not the same

8. The Various Forms of Imperialist Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial Countries and their Development in the past Decades (Part 2)

i) Extra Profits via Capital Export as Productive Investment

ii) Extra profits via Capital Export as Money Capital (Loans, Currency Reserves, Speculation, etc.)

Losses from Currency Exchange

Capital Flight

iii) Value Transfer from the Semi-Colonial South to the Imperialist North: Unequal Exchange

iv) Value Transfer from the Semi-Colonial South to the Imperialist North: Migration

Direct and Indirect Exploitation of Migrants

Attempt for Total Calculation of Imperialist Plundering

Excurse: The Role of the Plundering of the Colonies for the Formation of Capitalism in Western Europe in the 16th to 18th Century

9. Revisionist Critiques of the Leninist Theory of Imperialism

The Essence of Centrism

Denial of Concept of Semi-Colonies

Did Lenin and Trotsky know of Semi-Colonies?

When did the Epoch of Imperialism begin?

Sometimes the Creation of ‚Independent’ States leads to a Strengthening of Imperialism.” (Lenin)

Backward Countries without Industry and Proletariat?

The CWI and the “imperialist” Argentina

The Example of Argentina

The SWP/IST and the Debt Dependency

Is there still a National Question of the Semi-Colonial Countries?

The new Theory of “Sub-Imperialism”

The Example of Turkey

“Sub-Imperialism” or Advanced Semi-Colonies?

Rejection of Concept of Labor Aristocracy

LFI: A formal Defense of Lenin’s Theory which disembowels its revolutionary Content

10. China‘s Transformation into an Imperialist Power

What are the Criteria for an Imperialist State?

China’s race to a World Major Economy

China’s Monopolies

Exploitation and Super-Exploitation of the Working Class

Capital Export as Bond and Loan Capital

Capital Export as Foreign Direct Investment

A Note on Hong Kong’s Role in Foreign Direct Investment

Where is China investing abroad?

China’s Military Forces

The Struggle for Control over the South China (or East) Sea

Where should the Working Class stand in possible Wars involving US and Chinese Imperialism and South-East Asian Nations?

Why did China’s Rulers succeed in becoming imperialist where others failed?

11. The Theory of Permanent Revolution and its Program for the Working Class Struggle

12. The Struggle against Imperialist Aggressions and Wars: The Programme of the early Communist International and the Fourth International

i) Reactionary Wars and Conflicts between Imperialist States

ii) Just Wars and Resistance of the Oppressed

For the Destruction of the Apartheid State Israel!

Excursus: Capitalism as a unity of economic, political and ideological Spheres

iii) The Struggle for Class Independence and the Anti-imperialist United Front Tactic

iv) Liberation Struggles, Imperialist Interference and the Dual Military Tactics

The Public Opinion in the Imperialist World must not be the Starting Point for developing a Position towards a War!

How to approach various Forms of imperialist Military Interventions?

Consequences for the Military Tactic

The Marxist Classics on Contradictory Factors in Wars

13. Centrism’s Failure in the Struggle against Imperialist Wars

i) The Malvinas War in 1982

ii) The Gulf War in 1991

iii) The imperialist War on Terror since 2001

Social-Imperialist ex-Stalinists

The IST’s specific Form of Opportunism

How to fight for anti-imperialist Position and how not to fight for it

IST policy: Give us some Posts and we stop fighting for our Principles

CWI and their Capitulation to Imperialism

Socialist Zionism a la CWI

Is Revolutionary Defeatism too much for the Working Class? On the CWI’ and IMT’s Falsification of Lenin’s and Trotsky’s Method

CMR/IRMT: Rejection of Anti-Imperialism in ultra-left Clothes

14. Some final remarks on the perspectives for class struggle

i) A world historic revolutionary period

ii) The present historic period and its consequences for the semi-colonial world

The Shift to the South

The shift to Asia

Increasing Migration and Internationalization of the working class in the North

Great Power Rivalry and increasing imperialist leverage and wars of aggression against semi-colonies

Tendency towards Colonialism or more room to maneuver for the semi-colonial bourgeoisie?

Globalization, regionalization and protectionism

The Prospects of Revolution and the Crisis of Working Class Leadership

15. Summary


About the Author

Final note by the Editor: The whole book consists of newly written material with two exceptions. Chapter 10 “China‘s Transformation into an Imperialist Power” is based on an earlier study which was published by the RCIT in its journal Revolutionary Communism No. 4 in August 2012. Subchapter 12 iv) “Liberation Struggles, Imperialist Interference and the Dual Military Tactics” is based on an essay which the RCIT published in its journal Revolutionary Communism No. 6 in November 2012. Both documents have been edited and enlarged for this book.

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Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)

The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) is an internationalist organisation with sections in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, USA and Austria. We are striving to build a revolutionary Fifth Workers‘ International.


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Füchselhofgasse Nr. 6

1120 Vienna
