Yorgos Mitralias: Urgent – Left comrade attacked by fascist of „Golden Dawn“

Dear comrades,

I have to inform you that the Greek neo-nazis have just launched a racist attack against comrade Moisis Litsis. Under the title „The ESIEA (the Journalists‘ Union) has got a Jew as treasurer“, the neo-fascist magazine „Stohos“ published a „biographical note“ of Moisis mentionning all his political and unionist activities in the last two decades. The clearly racist libel is concluded with the following phrase: „He speaks perfectly hebrew, he adores Israel although he declares to be (but who can believe him?) Anti-zionist!…At the ESIEA’s General Assemblies , instead of speaking about the Greek journalists‘ problems, Moisis Litsis likes to speak about the Jewish Holocaust and the need to condemn the Golden Dawn“…

Dear comrades, I have to remind you that, among other things, Moisis Litsis has been the leader of the eight months exemplary struggle of the workers of the newspaper Eleftherotypia, and he is a founding member of the the Greek Committee against the Debt -CADTM Greece, and most recently my partner in launching the European Antifascist initiative and Manifesto (he has been the one who translated the Manifesto in Hebrew).

 Useless to say how seriously we have to take this kind of racist attacks made by „Stohos“ and its followers, when we have in mind all the murders and violent aggressions made by Greek neo-nazis in the last year. That is why I am launching now an appeal to all of you, because we can count only on you and on the international antifascist solidarity in order to support and protect comrade Moisis Litsis against the racist and fascist aggressions.

Thanking you in advance


Yorgos Mitralias

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