Felipe Van Keirsbilck: Manifests from Brussels on 8th March

<version en français ci-dessous>

To the members of the Alter Summit Network

Dear friends,

The Manifesto working group was in Brussels on 8th March to work on a text taking into account the amendments to the manifesto proposed by the members of the Altersummit.

You will find attached a proposal both in French and English.

projetMemo4EN (doc / english) / ProjetMemo4FR (doc / français)

Global remarks :

– It takes into account the wide variety of amendments sent to us, at least their “spirit”, because we need to have a text that widely reflects our shared analysis and proposals.

– We had a specific attention to take into account the views of our Greek friends, so that the text, though a European one, be meaningful in the Greek context.

– Of course it also takes into account the need to stick to a short text. The current version is already very long.

– It is indeed VERY difficult to take the exact formulations proposed by more than 15 organizations. But we should focus on the very political content of the proposals and analysis.

– A lot of amendments brought the idea of a specific part for democracy. A few paragraphs were added in the conclusion in this perspective

– Discussion method : as we agreed in December, the Alter Summit Assembly of Friday 15th will put in discussion first the amendments received by email so far (wether they were integrated in the new document, or not, or partially) ; additional discussion on the basis of new interventions will come after, depending on the remaining time. But anyway on the 15th we only finish the first amendments round ; the second one will run from mid-March until beginning of May.

– The EN version should be proofread by our “native speakers” hoping they will have the time to do it.


The Alter Summit animation group