Chinua Achebe (1930-2013)

[col. writ. 3/27/13] © ’13 Mumia Abu-Jamal

 The brilliant light of a Nigerian master-writer has gone out, and the world is poorer for it.

Chinua Achebe, whose stunning novel, Things Fall Apart, opened the doorway to the voices traditional, ancestral Africa, has returned to the Essence after a long life of literature, politics, scholarship and strife.

His first novel told the searing tale of the entry of British colonial power into traditional village life, and how it destroyed, transformed and deformed ways of living that had obtained for thousands of years.

The title, “Things Fall Apart”, was taken from the Irish Nobel-prize winning poet, William Butler Yeats, who wrote in “The Second Coming”, the following memorable phrase: “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.”

That theme, of the dissolution of African society, first by the violent impositions of British colonialism, and later by a succession of rapacious, corrupt and brutal post-colonial governments, colored Achebe’s life and work.

Born into an Ibo family in 1930, Achebe supported the Biafra secessionist movement and briefly served as a diplomat for the short-live state, until the Nigerian military crushed the movement.

In many ways, his life reflected not just political but cultural and religious conflicts. He was born to a Christian couple in the village of Ogidi, but family elders and grandparents held tightly to their traditional beliefs.

A young Achebe thus learned to listen to the battle between a multiplicity of world views; Christian and Ibo; British and Nigerian; Nigerian and Ibo.

He wrote, among other works, Things Fall Apart (1958), A Man of the People (1966), and The Anthills of the Savannah (1987). He also wrote poetry, essays and children’s stories.

Achebe taught at Bard College, in New York, and later at Brown.

Professor Achebe was 82.

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