International Platform Against Isolation: Urgent – Fax for Nezif Eski – 29 days of Hunger strike in French prison FRESNES!!


this is another short message and appeal to send protest letters to the prison administration of Fresnes.

The health situation of Nezif Eski, political prisoner with Arab roots from Turkey, becomes serious, after
continuing a hunger strike from 13th March 2013. Today he left behind 29 days without food.

The prison authorities in FRESNES still don’t accept his demands, no statement has been made
from their side. This is why the life of Nezif Eski is still in big danger….

We ask you to send urgently faxes to the prison of Fresnes and ask immediate end
of degrading body searches to successfully end the hunger strike of Nezif Eski.

We ask in particular the French MEP’s to act in order to grant fundamental rights in the
prisons of your country and to avoid further human tragedies, as serious health
problems and even deaths in the prisons. Just to mention, recently a Basque political
prisoner lost his life for health reasons at French prison. IN the past years several
other prisoners lost their lives for the same reason. And Lebanese political prisoner
Georges Ibrahim Abdallah is still denied freedom after 29 years of severe isolation
and health problems.

Thanks for your efforts.

Kind Regards

International Platform against Isolation


A la direction de la prison de Fresnes!
To the prison administration of Fresnes!

La pression exercée dans votre prison sur le prisonnier politique Nezif Eski doit cesseré!
The pressure at your prison against the political prisoner Nezif Eski must end.

Le tribunal administratif de Melun (Seine-et-Marne) a suspendu vendredi 29 mars la fouille corporelle intégrale pour les détenus accédant au parloir, instituée par votre prison.
The Administrative Court of Melun (Seine-et-Marne) suspended Friday, March 29 the full body search for inmates entering the room, which was established by your prison.

D’après cette décision l’application systématique d’un tel régime aux détenus de Fresnes lors de chaque visite qu’ils reçoivent constitue une atteinte grave et manifestement illégale é la liberté fondamentale.
According to this decision the systematic application of such a regime for prisoners in Fresnes at each visit they receive is a serious and illegal attack on fundamental freedom.

Déshabiller pour fouiller est une honte !
To undress for the search is a shame!

Nous blâmons cette pratique illégale !
We blame this illegal practice!

Nezif Eski n’est pas seul !
Nezif Eski is not alone!

Fin a la fouille déshonorante !
An end to the disgraceful search!

Nezif Eski est notre honneur !
Nezif Eski is our honor!

NOM/Name ( Soyadı):
Prénom/Surname ( Adı):
Métier/Occupation ( Mesleği):
Signature/Sign ( İmza):

Maison d’arrét FRESNES
Allée des Thuyas
94 261 Fresnes Cedex
Numéro Faxé: 0033 (0) 1- 43- 50- 40- 08