Heinz Leitner: Stop the export of your killing drug Phenobarbital for the executions of human beings!

Von: Heinz Leitner [mailto:h19l12@tele2.at]
Gesendet:Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013 08:47
Hana Ramadan
Corporate Communication Director
Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC
Maha Hammad
Corporate Communication Supervisor
Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC
Dana Shekem
Marketing Communication Specialist
Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC
Hana Ramadan,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In its desperate killing quest, the state of Arkansas, where no one has been executed since 2005 and where 38 men await their death, purchased $20,000 worth of Phenobarbital via West-Ward Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Hikma plc whose headquarters are based in London.
As you know the execution of human beings is in contradiction to the European constitution and European values. This is why the European Commission and the European Parliament have imposed export restrictions on the sale of death drugs in the past.
While Hikma says its products cover key therapeutic areas focused on the patient, this newly found death market is becoming another key in your commercial strategies obviously.
Hana Ramadan, how do you feel about your choices, and your violation of European values and the constitution? Are your shareholders aware of the situation that Hikma will get a new trade mark as death profiteer in the public?
You are aware that Europe will also impose export restrictions on your death drug like in previours cases.
Because of your shameful behaviour Arkansas could buy your death drug before the export restrictions, and store Phenobarbital for executions in the future.
You cannot wash your hands of it!
Be sure that the European Commission, the European Parliament, the members of the national parliaments, and the public will be informed on the shameful behaviour of death profiteer Hikma!
Heinz Leitner
Vienna, Austria