ICFTU: Talkin’ bout a revolution

It is probably no coincidence that on the day that a Turkish court blocked the government’s decision to redevelop Istanbul’s Gezi Park, the Egyptian military ousted former President Mohamed Morsi following massive protests calling for his resignation.

From Egypt to Turkey, from Chile to Brazil, people are raising their voices to demand change.

They don’t want glitzy malls or shiny new sports stadia. They want decent work and affordable transport. They want bread, they want freedom but above all, they want dignity.

Equal Times has been covering these momentous events. Our special report on Egypt provides an in-depth look at some of the reasons behind the discontent while our new opinion piece on Brazil provides a unique insight into how conservative forces hijacked the country’s transport protests.

We aim to provide world news from another angle; one focusing on social justice and equality.  To get daily updates, make sure you check out the Equal Times website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Tamara Gausi,
Equal Times, Assistant Editor