We stand together to reclaim the power of our dignity and solidarity against the state repression of refugees in Germany
July Soli-Vision: Spread Our Solidarity!
Video reports:
– Liberation Bus Tour on refugee strikes in Stuttgart
– Lager Watch Eisenhüttenstadt – “Deportation Chain” Video on Police
– Brutality at Nigerian Embassy in Berlin
The protesters are calling upon fellow refugees to join them in the protest as the problems not do only exist with Bad Mergentheim refugees alone but also with other Refugees all over Baden-Württemberg and Germany as a whole.
The uncompromisable demands are:
A life of dignity without food packages or coupons, limited health care and isolation !
Deportation stop and residence right for all!
Closure of all refugee isolation lagers!
Unlimited freedom of movement: abolition of „Residenzpflicht“!
Closure of all deportation prisons!
We hereby call on every member of the society to wake up to this day to day reality of racism in this society and to join in solidarity with the movement of the oppressed!
We acknowledge the solidarity and empowerments from the different activists in the protest and encourage your continuous support in the struggle to liberate the world from all forms of colonial injustices.
Stay strong!
The VOICE Refugee Forum (Stuttgart)
Tel.: 017627873832
Email: thevoice_bdw@yahoo.de
Internet: http//www.thevoiceforum.org
Make Donation /
Please support our efforts of self-organizing refugee’s resistance against human rights abuses in German Europe by spreading the word and financial donation in favor of independence of our work:
Für Spende:
Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere Bemühungen zur Stärkung des selbstorganisierten Widerstandes Geflüchteter gegen die alltäglichen Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Deutschland und Europa indem Sie die Nachricht weiterverbreiten und die Unabhängigkeit unserer Arbeit durch Geldspenden sichern helfen:
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The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena
Adresse: Schillergässchen 5, 07745 Jena
Tel. Handy 0049(0) 17624568988,
Fax: 03641 / 42 02 70,
E-Mail: thevoiceforum@gmx.de
Internet: http://www.thevoiceforum.org
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