Johanna Fenandez: Political Prisoner and former Black Panther, Abdul Majid needs our help!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Brother Abdul is in debilitating pain and unable to walk without assistance, due to an acute case of sciatica.

Abdul has suffered in this state for over a week and has, to no avail, submitted to all prison procedures, whichare required in order to get medical attention, namely the „sick-call process.“

We are asking that you call the superindent at Elmira Correctional Facility and demand that Abdul Majid get immediate and proper medical attention.

Please call:
Superintendent Paul Chappius

Regarding the prison’s negligence as concerns the health and well-being of
Abdul Majid
DIN # 83-A-0483

Also, it is my understanding that elected officials who are made aware of the health crisis or abuse of a prisoner and legally bound to address it. Can someone confirm this?

In solidarity,
