UE Union Passes Resolution Against Political Repression (Heinz Leitner)

The United Electrical Workers Union—UE passed a powerful statement against political repression and for civil liberties. UE is an independent, rank and file union with a militant tradition. They set the standard for other unions to live up to. The workers of UE organize and fight for justice for all!

UE Resolution on Civil Liberties 


Defend Our Civil Liberties
The Obama administration has been marked by a war on whistleblowers, secret interpretations of law, lack of accountability for past administration officials who broke the law, elevation of Bush Administration officials who signed off on torture and unconstitutional surveillance, and a continuation and expansion of a massive surveillance state.

UE has warned for years that when the government is given powers of domestic surveillance and “counterintelligence, “ it can and will use them against ordinary, innocent Americans, particularly those who speak out against government policies, and especially those who represent a credible power base, such as the labor movement. We saw this during the McCarthy period in the 1940’s and 50’s, when the combined forces of the federal government, big business, and their business union co-conspirators nearly destroyed the UE and progressive trade unionism. We saw this more recently when labor activists who organized protests against the 2008 Republican convention were targeted by the FBI, resulting in local police being directed to disrupt a peaceful protest by UE local 1174 members in the Quad Cities and eventually in FBI raids at the homes of the union activists, seizing their political and personal papers but apparently finding nothing….

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