The Move 9: Ona Move everyone (Heinz Leitner)

Via MumiaNYC

Ona Move everyone

I’m taking time this afternoon to address a serious situation that’s going on with the Pennsylvania Parole Board and our family ,The Move 9. Since 2008 our family has been eligible for parole and since 2008 to the present they have all been denied ,where some have been given parole hits of one year, three years, and five years. They have been denied by the Pa Parole Board citing that they didn’t show remorse or take responsibility for the crime they were convicted of.

First of all, our family is innocent and the whole world knows it; you can look no further than Judge Edwin S. Malmed who ,the day after sentencing nine Move people to thirty to one hundred years, clearly said he had the faintest idea who killed Officer James Ramp and he said to move members you said your a family so I am sentencing you as a family.

Enough is Enough 

35 years later the Pennsylvania parole board, headed by Chairman Michael C. Pottieger  and heavily persuaded by the Philadelphia Fraternal Order Of Police, has launched a full campaign to keep Move People in prison. The Move 9 have met every requirement to be eligible for parole, have had excellent prison records,kept down racial and gang violence in prisons and at least seven of them were recommended for parole by the wardens   and counselors of these institutions.

All of this has been ignored by the Pa parole board, which has only given consideration to the police and their word-the same police who arrest and murder black, Latino, and poor whites in our communities. They favor the word and recommendation of Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams who has nothing to do with this case. He was but a teenager when august 8th 1978 occurred. This is the same Seth Williams who allied himself with The Fraternal Order of Police when he ran for District Attorney Of Philadelphia on a campaign of having Mumia Abu Jamal executed, the same Seth Williams who as District Attorney, is sending Blacks, Latinos, and poor Whites to jail at an alarming rate. These parole boards are playing games with our families‘ lives and they are being heavily influenced by these police unions nationwide. Our political prisoners are being held hostage illegally by these parole boards, which like I said are being influenced by the police.

Look at the cases of three New York State political prisoners Jalil Muntaqim, Robert Seth Hayes, and Herman Bell all three men have met the requirements for parole but are all denied every two years respectively they have all been denied at the board since there respective eligible dates 1998, 2002, and 2003. Prior to there upcoming hearings, there is a massive campaign led by law enforcement web sites calling for letters to protest their parole. Through web sites like Dukes Blotter,,, law enforcement officials nationwide have mobilized against our political prisoners. Now we have to do the same in exposing the police and there role of keeping our families and our political prisoners in prison.

In the month of November we will be furthering our Justice and Accountability campaign in holding these legalized misfits called the Pennsylvania Parole Board accountable for their illegal actions in which they are holding our family hostage.

Ona Move 

Orie Lumumba & Ann Lamb  NYC Friends Of Move 

Ramona Africa The Move Organization

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