„Frauen in Schwarz“: Call from Gaza demanding that the Rafah Crossing be opened

Below is a call from Gaza demanding that the Rafah Crossing be opened.  Desmond Tutu, Ronnie Kasrils, Richard Falk and others have signed this call.  

Call from Gaza:  Open the Rafah Crossing Permanently and Unconditionally!

Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine

Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that

(1)     Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

(2)     Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

This article follows others that unequivocally recognize the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of ALL members of the human family, which naturally includes Palestinians.  The inalienable right to freedom of movement of the more than 1.7 million Palestinian men, women and children who make up the population of the Gaza Strip has been denied by successive Israeli governments and the Mubarak regime which imposed a barbaric siege.  Mainstream human rights organizations describe the Gaza Strip as the “largest open-air prison on earth”.  This deadly siege should have ended when the revolutionary Egyptian movement ousted Hosni Mubarak and his murderous regime during which Egyptians in their millions made clear that their freedom and the freedom of Palestine were their joint and connected goals.

Unfortunately, it seems that the new military regime and Israel are imposing a more brutal siege than ever on Gaza, which is affecting the entire population, including 800,000 children!  

This siege has caused the worst medical crisis that Gaza has ever suffered.  Basic supplies are not available.  Thousands of students have lost the opportunity to further their studies abroad because they have not been able to travel to their universities.  Those who travel via Rafah face inhuman conditions: standing for long hours in the heat.  No other citizens in the world have to endure this humiliation, uncertainty and indignity by another country when they choose to exercise their right to leave their own country.

Palestinians demand freedom of movement now! 

Under the Geneva Conventions we are all entitled to freedom of movement and protection from collective punishment such as the arbitrary closure of the Crossing. 

Our demand, therefore, is the permanent and free movement of Palestinians, without distinction or limitation of any kind, through the Rafah Crossing.

Please follow on twitter #OpenRafahBorder https://twitter.com/search?q=%23OpenRafahBorder%20&src=typd and sign the petition https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Egypt_Open_Gazas_Rafah_Crossing_1/

please spread also among your Groups & Networks

Thank you!

Was können Sie zum Ende der israelischen Besatzung palästinensischen Landes beitragen?

Empfehlenswerte Webseiten

www.pacbi.org  – Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel
www.imemc.org – International Middle East Media Centre
www.palsolidarity.org – International Solidarity Movement
www.ochaopt.org – Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org – Jewish Voice for Peace
www.btselem.org – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

www.kibush.co.il – Israeli Website mit Nachrichten und Kommentaren über die Besatzung