Israeli Apartheid exposed by South African leader (Desmond Tutu)







Veröffentlicht am 29.07.2012

Archbishop Desmond Tutu of the South African apartheid movement exposes the Israeli apartheid against Palestinians and endorses Palestine in the conflict. Archbishop Tutu connects the struggles of black South Africa with the struggles of the Palestinians. Both Palestinians and blacks are fighting apartheid.

Palestinians face home demolitions leaving tens of thousands homeless. Checkpoints within the West Bank humiliate Palestinians who have to wait for hours. They are not for „security“ and are placed between Palestinian cities.

The apartheid wall is a giant concrete wall that dwarfs the Berlin Wall. The wal is not on the border, but 90% of it runs inside the West Bank, separating villages, and destroying homes and Palestinian farmland in the way of its construction

650,000 illegal Israeli settlers live in illegal settlements(colonies) on Palestinian land, destroying Palestinian homes and leaving innocent families and children homeless.
4.7 million Palestinians are classified by the U.N as refugees that were displaced from their homes by Israel.
The Archbishop Tutu and Nelson Mandela as well as other South African leaders have reported that the Israeli apartheid is worse than in South Africa.

„We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians“ – Nelson Mandela

Please spread the movement!!!!!!! It worked for South Africa, and it will work to free Palestine from Israeli apartheid.