Bangladeshi Shipbreakers – „The Most Dangerous Job on the Planet“ – Four More Shipbreakers Killed in Bangladesh (Heinz Leitner)

At 3:45 p.m. on April 3, 2014, a gas cylinder exploded at the Arafin Enterprise shipbreaking yard in Kadamrasul, Chittagong.  Four workers were killed and three others severely injured.

The four young men who lost their lives are:

Joshim, 30 years old.  (Joshim was married just three months ago.)
Faruk, 25 years old
Arif, 28 years old
Gias, 30 years old

The cylinder was full of poisonous carbon dioxide.  The four workers were taken to the Al Amin clinic where they were declared dead.

„The Most Dangerous Job on the Planet“ \xe2″\x80 Shipbreaking in Bangladesh