Shahar H.: Conscientious objector Ajuad Zidan was sent to prison again, for the seventh time in a row

– Please distribute widely –
CO Ajuad Zidan was sentenced to 20 more days of imprisonment on 21 Mar. for his refusal to enlist. This is now his seventh term in prison.

CO Yaniv Mazor imprisoned for his first term

– Please distribute widely –
Dear Friends,CO Yaniv Mazor, 31 years old from Jerusalem, was arrested on 11 June, his birthday, for his refusal to take part in the Reserve Military Force. He was sentenced to 20 days of imprisonment in prison No. 4 near Tzrifin military base.
Yaniv served in the military from 1999 to 2002 and returned a few times to do reserve service. After a personal process, he decided he can not do it any more and decided to refuse.
On his way to prison, Yaniv told Haggai Matar that â€œAlthough this is my first time in prison I feel totally fine with it. I feel at peace with myself. My decision stems from what I saw in the occupied territories, things that made me realize I can no longer be part of the army. I can only hope that my action will inspire others who are now facing the draft or a reserve service and are still unsure what to do.” You can read more of the interview here.
 First of all, please circulate this message and the information contained in it as widely as possible, not only through e-mail, but also on websites, social networks, conventional media, by word of mouth, etc.Other recommendations for action:

1. Sending Letters of Support
Since the prison authorities often block mail from reaching imprisoned objectors, we also recommend you to send them your letters of support and encouragement via e-mail „reply all“ to this message will send the message to the same address), and they will be printed out and delivered during visits.
You should also wish him a happy birth day.
2. Letters to Authorities

It is recommended to send letters of protest on the objectors‘ behalf,preferably by fax, to:Copies of your letters can also be sent to the commander of the military prison at:Another useful address for sending copies would be the Military Attorney General:For those of you who live outside Israel, it would be very effective to send protests to your local Israeli embassy. You can find the address of your local embassy on the web.

Here is a generic sample letter, which you can use in sending appeals to authorities on the prisoners‘ behalf. Feel free to modify this letter or write your own:
3. Letters to media in Israel and in other countries
Writing op-ed pieces and letters to editors of media in Israel and other countries could also be quite useful in indirectly but powerfully pressuring the military authorities to let go of the objectors and in bringing their plight and their cause to public attention.Here are some contact details for the main media outlets in Israel:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We will continue updating on further developments.

Thank you for your attention and action,