AFGJ: Labor Unionists and Allies-„World’s Most Targeted Union“ Needs Your Support

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Labor Unionists and Allies-„World’s Most Targeted Union“ Needs Your Support [ ]

The Fensuagro farm workers union is one of the most persecuted unions in the world. In almost 36 years of existence the union has lost well over 1,500 members to assassinations. Others have been „disappeared“ and with its representation of workers in rural areas, it is the union most affected by displacement. Considering that Colombia leads the world in both the number of unionists murdered each year and in the number of people who are internally displaced-and considering that 70% of these internal refugees are from rural areas-it is easy to see why some make the claim that no other labor organization is more targeted for violence and repression. And the situation continues: Fensuagro has seen an increase this year in both murders and threats. These attacks are also directed against the Patriotic March (Marcha Patriotica), Colombia’s largest popular mobilization for peace, co-founded by Fensuagro. This situation has arisen in the midst of great hope as Colombia enters into negotiations to end almost 50 years of war. However, there are those who want to see peace fail-and these forces are propelling the attacks against Fensuagro and the Patriotic March.

Click Here to Send AfGJ’s Campaign for Labor Rights a Letter to Find Out What You Can Do to Help [ ]

Last July, the Alliance for Global Justice announced to our supporters that the United Steelworkers, the California Labor Federation and the South Bay Labor Federation had sent letters or passed resolutions in solidarity with Fensuagro [ ], calling on the Colombian government to assure the union’s safety and alerting US government officials, asking that they monitor the situation, especially since the uptick in repression has coincided with the passage and implementation of the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.

AfGJ’s Campaign for Labor Rights mailed a letter to every AFL-CIO Central Labor Federation and Council in the United States, asking that they adopt similar resolutions of solidarity with Fensuagro. The letter also included copies of the USW letter signed by Pres. Leo Gerard, and of the California and South Bay Labor Federation resolutions.


Your regional labor federation or council should have received the AfGJ / Campaign for Labor Rights letter by now. However, in a world where offices are inundated with information, from the mail in the mailbox to the emails in the inbox, we realize that just sending a letter is not enough. This effort needs that „local push“. We need you. Are you a delegate to your labor federation or council? Do you know someone who is? Then please contact us. Click here to send an email via our web page [ ] or you can send one directly to James Jordan at [ ] or you can call 202-544-9355 ext. 3. We would like to talk to you about speaking to this resolution, or finding someone who is authorized to do so, at your upcoming October meeting. We need you to give the legs to this effort-or better, to give it voice by making sure a motion is made in its support. If you contact us, we will make sure you get copies of the USW, CLF and SBLF documents, plus our cover letter.

We also want to encourage people to ask for similar solidarity resolutions from other organizations: your local union, church, peace group…wherever you come together with other members of your community!

Real international labor solidarity must come from the bottom up-it must be truly worker to worker, propelled by local communities. That’s why we are asking labor unionists around the country to take action to support this call for solidarity.

For many years, AfGJ has been the only US government with a program of ongoing solidarity with Fensuagro-a distinction we are happy to see come to an end. We know all too well that labor solidarity is the most powerful tool in the toolbox for worker to worker internationalism. Especially in an environment where Capital is transnational and global, workers must stay apace and learn to stand together across borders. For the most targeted union in the world, Fensuagro, this resolution is an important beginning place in building a chain of solidarity that, taken to its logical conclusion, can truly change the world.

The Fensuagro farm workers union is one of the most persecuted unions in the world. In almost 36 years of existence the union has lost well over 1,500 members to assassinations. Others have been „disappeared“ and with its representation of workers in rural areas, it is the union most affected by displacement. Considering that Colombia leads the world in both the number of unionists murdered each year and in the number of people who are internally displaced-and considering that 70% of these internal refugees are from rural areas-it is easy to see why some make the claim that no other labor organization is more targeted for violence and repression. And the situation continues: Fensuagro has seen an increase this year in both murders and threats. These attacks are also directed against the Patriotic March (Marcha Patriotica), Colombia’s largest popular mobilization for peace, co-founded by Fensuagro. This situation has arisen in the midst of great hope as Colombia enters into negotiations to end almost 50 years of war. However, there are those who want to see peace fail-and these forces are propelling the attacks against Fensuagro and the Patriotic March.

Click Here to Send AfGJ’s Campaign for Labor Rights a Letter to Find Out What You Can Do to Help [ ]

Last July, the Alliance for Global Justice announced to our supporters that the United Steelworkers, the California Labor Federation and the South Bay Labor Federation had sent letters or passed resolutions in solidarity with Fensuagro [ ], calling on the Colombian government to assure the union’s safety and alerting US government officials, asking that they monitor the situation, especially since the uptick in repression has coincided with the passage and implementation of the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.

AfGJ’s Campaign for Labor Rights mailed a letter to every AFL-CIO Central Labor Federation and Council in the United States, asking that they adopt similar resolutions of solidarity with Fensuagro. The letter also included copies of the USW letter signed by Pres. Leo Gerard, and of the California and South Bay Labor Federation resolutions.


Your regional labor federation or council should have received the AfGJ / Campaign for Labor Rights letter by now. However, in a world where offices are inundated with information, from the mail in the mailbox to the emails in the inbox, we realize that just sending a letter is not enough. This effort needs that „local push“. We need you. Are you a delegate to your labor federation or council? Do you know someone who is? Then please contact us. Click here to send an email via our web page [ ] or you can send one directly to James Jordan at [ ] or you can call 202-544-9355 ext. 3. We would like to talk to you about speaking to this resolution, or finding someone who is authorized to do so, at your upcoming October meeting. We need you to give the legs to this effort-or better, to give it voice by making sure a motion is made in its support. If you contact us, we will make sure you get copies of the USW, CLF and SBLF documents, plus our cover letter.

We also want to encourage people to ask for similar solidarity resolutions from other organizations: your local union, church, peace group…wherever you come together with other members of your community!

Real international labor solidarity must come from the bottom up-it must be truly worker to worker, propelled by local communities. That’s why we are asking labor unionists around the country to take action to support this call for solidarity.

For many years, AfGJ has been the only US government with a program of ongoing solidarity with Fensuagro-a distinction we are happy to see come to an end. We know all too well that labor solidarity is the most powerful tool in the toolbox for worker to worker internationalism. Especially in an environment where Capital is transnational and global, workers must stay apace and learn to stand together across borders. For the most targeted union in the world, Fensuagro, this resolution is an important beginning place in building a chain of solidarity that, taken to its logical conclusion, can truly change the world.