Huber Ballesteros was jailed for his trade union activiites. Help us free him now. / Make a CALL for Colombian Unionists and Agricultural Workers

Huber Ballesteros was jailed for his trade union activiites


Alliance for Global Justice [ ]

Make a CALL for Colombian Unionists and Agricultural Workers

*CALL THE COLOMBIAN EMBASSY IN THE US: *  [ tel:202-387-8338 ]

202-387-8338  [ tel:202-387-8338 ] Fax: 202-232 8643 [ tel:202-232%208643 ]

*CALL THE COLOMBIAN EMBASSY IN CANADA: *  [ tel:613-230-3760 ]

613-230-3760  [ tel:613-230-3760 ] OR 613-230-3761  [ tel:613-230-3761 ] FAX: 613-230-3761 [ tel:613-230-3761 ]

*If you can’t get through at the Colombian Embassy in the US, CLICK HERE TO CONTACT THE NEAREST CONSULATE* [ ]

*If you can’t get through to the Colombian Embassy in Canada, CLICK HERE TO CONTACT THE NEAREST CONSULATE* [ ]


Repression of workers in Colombia hurts workers everywhere! Colombia is still the most dangerous country in the world to be a union member, and rural workers are the most threatened of all! I am especially concerned by the arrests of members of the Fensuagro agricultural workers union and state violence against the National Farmers and Workers Strike. I call for the immediate freedom of Hubert Ballesteros, Vice President of Fensuagro and spokesperson for the National Strike. I call for the release of Guillermo Cano, Maribel Oviedo and Jailer Gonzalez, leaders of the Fensuagro affiliate in Tolima. THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING!

„*Let’s flood the Embassies and Consulates with our calls. REMEMBER: IF THE PHONES ARE JAMMED AND YOU GET A RECORDING OR CAN’T GET THROUGH, that means we’re successful. That means a lot of people are calling and a lot of us ARE getting through. If you do get a recording at the US Embassy, you can leave a message for any of the following officials: Ambassador Carlos Urrutia; Alfonso Cuellar, the Deputy Ambassador; Natalia Roja, the Assistant to the Ambassador; Claudia Cuevas, in charge of the Human Rights and Minority department; Germán Espejo, in charge of Security and Defense Affairs; or Klaus Koch for Congressional and Legal Affairs.*“

*Watch a new video by AfGJ about Fensuagro leaders in the Department of Tolima.* [ ]

*Send an Email to demand the release of Fensuagro leader Hubert Ballesteros* [ ]

September 4th is SOLIDARITY WITH COLOMBIAN FARMER/LABOR DAY! It is also the first anniversary of the beginning of the peace process between the Colombian government and guerrillas. The Colombian peace, labor and farmers movement is calling for people to turn out in the streets today for the Cacerolazo Nacional [ ]–for people all over the country to take to the streets beating pots and pans and making noise in support of the National Strike [ ] and calling for an end to Free Trade Agreements with the US, Canada and Europe. They also are demanding popular participation in the negotiations for peace, and for the government to honor old but unkept promises to protect peasant land and to build rural infrastructures.

Hubert Ballesteros [ ], Guillermo Cano, Maribel Oviedo and Jailer Gonzalez [ ] are all leaders of the of the Fensuagro agricultural workers union and of the National Strike. They have been arrested by the Colombian authorities on trumped up charges as part of the effort to break the union and to break the strike. Please stand with Colombian workers today and make a call on their behalf.

„*Hasta la victoria siempre! *“


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