Alliance for Global Justice: Supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement

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*AFGJ, Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Sandy.*

A year ago last September, the Alliance For Global Justice [ ] was asked if we could be fiscal sponsor of a bold group taking action in NYC. That group was *Occupy Wall Street *(OWS) and we said YES! OWS swept the country like a wildfire. Now we see in *Occupy Sandy*, which we also fiscally sponsor, a deepening sophistication of the movement.

*What a year it has been! Make a contribution today!* [ ]

Last November AFGJ doubled down our bet on OWS and decided to make it a staff priority. Together with Occupy Olympia we created the Occupy Solidarity Social Forum in February, bringing 500 people together for a weekend of over 80 workshops, marches, demonstrations and music. This November we have doubled down again. We are developing relationships and networks that can reach a hundred thousand occupy supporters and activists.


By working closer with OWS, InterOccupy, Occupy Sandy and many local occupy groups we are building unity and developing grassroots political education. During the Venezuela elections we generated content that appealed to occupiers and increased awareness of US funding of destabilization efforts there.

Giving [ ] now will send the message that all things Occupy Wall Street remain an important AFGJ priority.

Thanks and solidarity,

Bruce Wilkinson

AFGJ National Grassroots Organizer
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