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Left Discussions & news
Left Discussions & news
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale (SWP) argue that no Marxist should pay serious attention to Engels’book, The origin of „The family, private property and the state“ (A.Wosni)
Left Discussions & news
Juan Cole / Miriam Cooke: Feminist Revolutionary Narratives from Egypt and Syria – Hopes and Disappointments
Artikel vom 3. Juli 2013http://www.juancole.com/2013/07/revolutionary-narratives-disappointments.html
Left Discussions & news
Socialist Worker: Egypt’s Revolutionary Socialists call for general strike until the fall of the regime
Left Discussions & news
RCIT: Tasks of the Revolution in Egypt
Artikel vom 2. Juli 2013Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, 2.7.2013, www.thecommunists.net
Over the past two months, the National Salvation Front (NSF) – a coalition of Liberals, Left and Nationalist forces that includes figures from the Mubarak time like Mohamed ElBaradei and Amr Moussa – has been infused with more energy by the activity of the dynamic Tamarod (Rebel) movement. This movement gathered 22 million signatures on a […] -
Left Discussions & news
Articles & discussions about the Syrian & international situation (27.1. – 28.6.2013)
Artikel vom 28. Juni 2013Siehe weitere Beiträge ab 1.7.2013
Tareq al-Abed, 28.6.2013: Syrian Regime Is Still Hanging On To Key Idlib Roads
Munir al-Hamash, 26.6.2013: Syrian Neoliberal Advocates Go International
Johannes Stern, 22.6.2013: German Marx 21 group advocates military intervention in Syria
Edward Dark, 20.6.2013: Syria’s Rebels in Rift With Aleppo’s Civil Opposition
Andrea Glioti, 20.6.2013: Syriac Christians, Kurds Boost Cooperation in Syria
AIK: 18.6.2013: Damascus – delegation […] -
Left Discussions & news
Mike McNair: ‚Anti-imperialist united front‘: No inherent connection with the working class (A.Wosni)
Left Discussions & news
RCIT: Action Program for Venezuela
Artikel vom 24. Juni 2013http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/latin-america/action-program-for-venezuela/
Left Discussions & news
RCIT Venezuela: Statement of Solidarity with the Revolutionary Uprising in Brazil
Artikel vom 23. Juni 2013http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/latin-america/brazil-solidarity-from-rcit-venezuela/
Left Discussions & news
David Walsh: Lecture seven – Marxism, art and the Soviet debate over “proletarian culture” (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 18. Juni 2013 -
Left Discussions & news
Interview with Iraqi CP-leader: Iraqi Communist Party,“The political system, based on sectarian and ethnic power-sharing, prevents the consolidation of democracy“
Artikel vom 17. Juni 2013Interview with
Comrade Hamid Majeed Mousa
Secretary of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party „The political system, based on sectarian and ethnic power-sharing, prevents the consolidation of democracy“
Ernesto Gómez Abascal
Rebelión (Spanish website)
18 May 2013
* Ten years after the criminal invasion of Iraq, what is the evaluation of the Iraqi Communist Party of the current situation?
The Iraqi Communist Party was working before the war under the […] -
Left Discussions & news
Socialists stand with the oppressed – many Muslims in Britain today feel under siege (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 13. Juni 2013http://www.socialistworker.co.uk/art/33612/Socialists+stand+with+the+oppressed
Left Discussions & news
Paul Flewers replies to Eddi Ford: Anti-Semitism – Churchill and the Jewish question
Artikel vom 31. Mai 2013Thursday May 30 2013 Weekly Worker 964
Paul Flewers replies to Eddie Ford
Churchill and Hitler: anti-Bolshevism
Writing in these pages a few weeks back, Eddie Ford made what should be for leftwingers the axiomatic point that Winston Churchill “was without doubt the most virulently anti-working class representative of the British high establishment in the 20th century bar none”,1 and proceeded to demonstrate just how reactionary he was […] -
Left Discussions & news
Anton Holberg: The „Socialist Workerts Party“ (UK) in the service of „takfiris“
Artikel vom 31. Mai 2013The socalled „Socialist Workers Party“ (SWP) in the UK has a two years history of spreading illusions in the opposition to the Syrian regime including the armed opposition. While the interior workings of the party remind more of a Stalinist outfit than of the non-orthodox Trotzkyist organization it pretends to be its political line has more and more become one of spontaneist hopes in all […]
Left Discussions & news
Yossi Schwartz (RCIT): Israel’s War of 1948 and the Degeneration of the Fourth International
Artikel vom 29. Mai 2013 -
Left Discussions & news
Peter Manson: SWP – Opposition springs back to life (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 26. Mai 2013http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/963/swp-opposition-springs-back-to-life