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Left Discussions & news
Left Discussions & news
Francois Sabado: Europe – The lefts in the crisis (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 22. Mai 2013 -
Left Discussions & news
Michael Pröbsting: On some Questions of the Zionist Oppression and the Permanent Revolution in Palestine
Artikel vom 21. Mai 2013http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/permanent-revolution-in-palestine/
Left Discussions & news
Tariq Ali: BETWEEN PAST AND FUTURE – Reply to Asef Bayat
Artikel vom 15. Mai 2013http://newleftreview.org/II/80/tariq-ali-between-past-and-future
Replay to Asef Bayat -
Left Discussions & news
Lawrence Parker: Marxism and philosophy – A matter of Korsch (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 15. Mai 2013http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/961/marxism-and-philosophy-a-matter-of-korsch
Left Discussions & news
Artikel vom 15. Mai 2013http://newleftreview.org/II/80/asef-bayat-revolution-in-bad-times
Left Discussions & news
RCIT: Revolutionary Unity in the Struggle for the Fifth Workers International! – Open Letter to All Revolutionary Organizations and Activists
Artikel vom 15. Mai 2013Issued by the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 15.5.2013, www.thecommunists.net
We are living in such contradictory times! Capitalism has sunk in its deepest crisis since the 1930s and even bourgeois media have to admit that many of Marx’s analyses and predications turned out to be true. The USA – the biggest imperialist power for more than half a century – is about to lose its […] -
Left Discussions & news
Hands off exiled former Black Panther Assata Shakur!
Artikel vom 9. Mai 2013nattyreb, 7.5.2013: National Lawyers Guild Urges FBI to Respect Political Asylum Status of Assata Shakur
Dean Djehuty: Why the Hunt for Assata Shakur Matters
Angela Davis and Assata Shakur’s Lawyer Denounce FBI’s Adding of Exiled Activist to Terrorists ListOne day after the exiled former Black Panther Assata Shakur became the first woman named to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list, we’re joined by another legendary African-American activist, […]
Left Discussions & news
An Open Letter From Assata (Litestar01)
Artikel vom 7. Mai 2013http://revolutionaryfrontlines.wordpress.com/2013/05/03/an-open-letter-from-assata/
Left Discussions & news
Cuban Five: Major Development – René González has been given permission,to remain in Cuba!
Artikel vom 6. Mai 2013Von: free-mumia-bounces@lists.nadir.org [mailto:free-mumia-bounces@lists.nadir.org] Im Auftrag von FREE MUMIA – DE
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. Mai 2013 22:04
f.y.i.Fri, May 3, 2013
Major Development!
René González has been given permission
to remain in Cuba!
In a huge development in the case of the Cuban Five, the court has finally granted a motion, first made last June, to allow René González to serve the remaining portion of his three-year parole in Cuba, after which […] -
Left Discussions & news
Paul Demarty: The gender imbalance in left groups (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 26. April 2013http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/959/gender-quotas-the-two-souls-of-tokenism
Left Discussions & news
RCIT: Declaration of Fusion between the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency and the Internationalist Socialist League (Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Artikel vom 24. April 2013Statement of the RCIT and ISL on 19.4.2013, www.the-isleague.com and www.thecommunists.net, http://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/declaration-of-fusion-with-isl/
1. The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) and the Internationalist Socialist League (ISL, Israel/Occupied Palestine) declare that they are fusing their forces to build a joint international organization in order to advance the struggle for a new World Party of Socialist Revolution – the revolutionary Fifth Workers International. As a result […] -
Left Discussions & news
International Platform Against Isolation: At least 500.000 at Grup Yorum concert in Istanbul on April 14th 2013
Artikel vom 15. April 2013Dear friends!
According to first evaluations, the concert of GRUP YORUM was joined by more than 500.000 people.
The concert for a „Total Independent Turkey“, which has become traditionally, started today, 14th April 2013 in the district Bakirköy in Istanbul
with at least 500.000 fans. People sang together with Grup Yorum, made victory signs and shouted slogans.
This concert, as expected, has been a strong answer to the AKP […] -
Left Discussions & news
RCIT: The World Situation and the Tasks of the Bolshevik-Communists
Artikel vom 25. März 2013The World Situation and the Tasks of the Bolshevik-Communists
Theses of the International Executive Committee of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, March 2013, www.thecommunists.net/theory/world-situation-march-2013
The goal of the following theses is to summarize the main developments, contradictions and conclusions of the present world situation as short as possible.
The Present Phase of the World Historic Revolutionary Period which opened in 2008
1. The present world situation can only […] -
Left Discussions & news
Mike Macnair: ‚Anti-imperialist united front‘ – No inherent connection with the working class (A.Wosni)
Left Discussions & news
Slavo Zizek – Going ‘beyond Marx’ – or regressing? (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 19. März 2013