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Left Discussions & news
Left Discussions & news
LRP: In Response to the ISL’s Break from the LRP (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 17. März 2013 -
Left Discussions & news
Moshé Machover: Anti-war anniversary – Party with all-round strategy needed
Artikel vom 14. März 2013http://cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/953/anti-war-anniversary-party-with-all-round-strategy-needed
Left Discussions & news
Scott Stewart: Greek’s Radical Left – The Dangers of the Disaffected and the Unemployed (A.Wosni)
Left Discussions & news
Hazem Balousha: The Rise and Fall of the Palestinian Left (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 24. Februar 2013http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/02/rise-fall-palestinian-left.html
Left Discussions & news
CPGB, 14.2.2013: SWP and programme – Transitional regression ends in a hunch (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 22. Februar 2013 -
Left Discussions & news
Dominique Lerouge: TUNISIA, Consolidation of the left
Artikel vom 14. Februar 2013 -
Left Discussions & news
„Is Leninism finished?“
Artikel vom 11. Februar 2013Below you find a discussion on „Leninism“. The first article is written
by Alex Callinicos, a leading member of the British „Socialist Workers
Party“(SWP). It is followed by an answer published on the pages of the
US-SWP’s website. The US-SWP it must be remembered has split from the
SWP-GB led „International Socialist Tendency“ a couple of years ago. It
is not really clear which of the two is […] -
Left Discussions & news
Dermot Quinn: Ireland’s United Left Alliance collapses (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 7. Februar 2013 -
Left Discussions & news
Jonathan Cook: Israel’s Left Turn to the Far Right (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 29. Januar 2013http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/israel’s-left-turn-far-right
Left Discussions & news
Shany Littman: A new left arrives in Israel (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 27. Januar 2013http://www.challenge-mag.com/en/article__358/a_new_left_arrives_in_israel
Left Discussions & news
Links zum Helden Edward Snowden (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 26. Januar 2013US hints at Edward Snowden plea bargain to allow return from Russia
Attorney general prepared to ‚engage in conversation‘ with NSA whistleblower but says full clemency is ‚going too far
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/23/edward-snowden-nsa-plea-bargain-russia?CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2EDWARD SNOWDEN, 17.12.2013: An Open Letter to the People of Brazil
Elias Groll,17.12.2013: Will the U.S. Strong-Arm Brazil to Keep Snowden Out?
http://socialreader.com/me/content/UR4Nk?chid=141137&utm_content=win20131217-1868&utm_medium=email&utm_source=toppicks&utm_campaign=cl20131217&email=h19l12%40tele2.atEdward Snowden leaks could help paedophiles escape police, says government
Paedophiles and other criminals could benefit […] -
Left Discussions & news
Angelus Novus: ‘Anti-Germans’? ‚I now understand why Susann Witt-Stahl thinks the ‘anti-German’ phenomenon is still a relevant tendency within the German left…‘ (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 13. Januar 2013Surprisingly, considering she is a journalist, Susann Witt-Stahl
apparently does not understand that for meaningful communication to take
place, words and concepts have to have reasonably fixed, specific
referents. To take an example, when apologists for the state of Israel
make inflationary use of the word ‘anti-Semite’ and apply it to any and
all critics of Israel, the term itself loses all meaning, so that it
basically becomes an empty signifier […] -
Left Discussions & news
Articles & discussions about the Syrian & international situation (8. 12.2013 – 4.1.2014)
Artikel vom 4. Januar 2013AFP, 4.1.2014: Syria opposition says it backs rebel fight against Qaeda
Discussion on the prospective of Syrian Islamism between Wilhelm Langthaler and Anton Holberg (31.12.2013)
AFP, 30.12.2013: Syrian Observatory NGO says, threatened by Islamist extremists
Phil Sands and Suha Maayeh, 28.12.2013: Syrian rebels get arms and advice through secret command centre in Amman
Wilhelm Langthaler, 27.12.2013: What’s new in the Syrian war […] -
Left Discussions & news
O.Ressler: Imagine shaking this land from below…
Artikel vom 17. Dezember 2012banner at the DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Prague in the framework
of the show “Cartographies of Hope: Change Narratives”, on display till
February 21, 2013
The banner (2007/2012) is part of my long-term project „Alternative
Economics, Alternative Societies“ (since 2003). The text reads:
Imagine shaking this land from below, stirring it up, turning it upside
down to expose all of the plundering and exploitation, and then
spreading it out again, […] -
Left Discussions & news
Reuters: Tunisian Islamists, leftists clash after job protests (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 6. Dezember 2012http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/tunisian-islamists-leftists-clash-after-job-protests