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Left Discussions & news
Left Discussions & news
L.Gabriel, E.Pissias, W.Langthaler, F.Romero-Forsthuber : The war in Syria or The threads of a blood drained carpet
Artikel vom 2. Oktober 2012Report of a fact-finding mission in support of a political solution of the conflict
Below: International initiative to stop the war in Syria
We, the undersigned persons who have been actively engaged in political projects on the side of the oppressed peoples of Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Palestineduring a considerable part of our lives, undertook a two week long journey to Beirutand Damascuswhich lasted […] -
Left Discussions & news
Communiqué on the meeting of the Central Committee of the Syrian Communist Party (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 30. September 2012http://solidnet.org/syria-syrian-communist-party-kb/3257-syrian-cp-communique-on-the-meeting-of-the-cc-en (16.8.2012)
Left Discussions & news
Dianne Feeley &: The Left and South Africa’s Crisis (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 30. September 2012 -
Left Discussions & news
B. Van Auken: Syria and the pro-imperialist “leftists” of the ISO (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 29. September 2012 -
Left Discussions & news
I.Birchall (CPGB): European revolutionaries and Algerian independence 1954-1962
Artikel vom 27. September 2012http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/931/new-chapter-in-human-liberation
Left Discussions & news
AIK, 25.9.12: Results Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2012
Artikel vom 26. September 2012Resistance and democracy to be married
In Assisi, the picturesque medieval town symbolising the quest for peace
and friendship between Islam and Christianity, the Tahrir movements
against the US order in the Arab world came together with the popular
protests in Southern Europe against the starvation programmes of the EU
oligarchy. It was a unique event bringing the tremendous challenges to
the revolutionary movement to the consciousness of the militants.
* A […] -
Left Discussions & news
An Interview with Terry Eagleton: why was Marx right? Interview mit Terry Eagleton (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 21. September 2012http://www.oxonianreview.org/wp/an-interview-with-terry-eagleton/
Left Discussions & news
Revolutionary Socialists: Revolutionary Socialists of Egypt on the protests over the racist film (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 19. September 2012http://socialistworker.org/2012/09/18/real-battle-is-against-us-imperialism
Left Discussions & news
M.Pröbsting [RCIT]: South African „communists“ continue to support police violence against miners
Artikel vom 18. September 2012By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 18.9.2012, www.thecommunists.net
The South African Communist Party’s leader, General Secretary Blade Nzimande, demonstrated again that his party stands on the side of the bosses and against the workers. In his speech at the trade union federation COSATU`s 11th National Congress on 17th September he expressed the SACP complete support for the brutal crackdown by the South African […] -
Left Discussions & news
RCIT] A programme to win the struggle against the ANC/SACP/COSATU government
Artikel vom 18. September 2012http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa/programme-for-miners/#
Left Discussions & news
Farooq Tariq: Fundamentalism, a challenge for the Left
Artikel vom 14. September 2012 -
Left Discussions & news
E.Uslu: PKK – Rejection of Marxism (3) (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 13. September 2012http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/929/rejection-of-marxism
Left Discussions & news
K.Fischbacher (LabourNet-Austria): For a Joint Social Conference in Athens 2013 and a long-term unity in action of left (anti business) trade unions and European Anticapitalist Leftists
Artikel vom 12. September 2012For the defense of the working class against the capitalist offensive and in solidarity for the resistance in Greece
http://www.labournetaustria.atFive years of the deepest economic recession since 1929 and unbelievably impoverishment on the European continent and global ecological destruction are continue. At the same time there has been no effective mass working class mobilization organized by the large federations of trade unions of Europe and […]
Left Discussions & news
Syria Comment: Syria – what sort of war? (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 10. September 2012 -
Left Discussions & news
CP/GB:The Turkish left’s attitude to the Kurdish question (2) (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 6. September 2012http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/928/confusion-of-libertarian-socialism