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Left Discussions & news
Palestine Chronicle: How come Uri Avnery knows so little about Israel, or apartheid? (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 4. November 2013http://www.jonathan-cook.net/2013-10-28/how-come-uri-avnery-knows-so-little-about-israel/
Left Discussions & news
Henry Hagins: 30 years after Marines invaded Grenada (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 3. November 2013http://www.workers.org/articles/2013/11/01/30-years-marines-invaded-grenada/
Left Discussions & news
Nabeel Kassis: Why Palestinians Should Not Recognize Israel as Jewish State (A.Wosni)
Left Discussions & news
Derrick O’Keefe: Canada has a colonial past and a colonial present (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 28. Oktober 2013http://socialistworker.org/2013/10/23/the-colonialism-denialists
Notes from Labournet-Austria:
…. or an ambiguous imperialism, who used his troops in the Korean , Kosovo or Afghanistan wars within the NATO framework. His inner imperialism manifests itself in the suppression of the indigenous people for land rights and natural resources … -
Left Discussions & news
James Marshall: Oppose nationalism across the board (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 27. Oktober 2013http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/983/oppose-nationalism-across-the-board
Left Discussions & news
Michael Pröbsting (RKOB / RCIT): Healy’s Pupils Fail to Break with their Master ((Reply to Socialist Fight / LCFI)
Artikel vom 24. Oktober 2013http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/healy-and-fourth-international/
Left Discussions & news
Dan Hancox: Spain’s communist model village (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 21. Oktober 2013 -
Left Discussions & news
Yassamine Mather: The apparent thaw in US-Iran relations could offer new opportunities for the workers’ movement (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 20. Oktober 2013http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/982/iran-step-up-solidarity
Left Discussions & news
Norma Claire Maruzzi: Gender and the Revolutions – Critique Interrupted (A.Wosni)
Left Discussions & news
RCIT: The Arab Revolution is a central touchstone for socialists!
Artikel vom 13. Oktober 2013http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/open-letter-on-arab-revolution/
Left Discussions & news
Was Lenin right when he called imperialism the ‘highest stage of capitalism’? Mike Macnair believes he was very wrong (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 7. Oktober 2013http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/980/rethinking-imperialism
Left Discussions & news
Nachruf für den Strategen der Volksbefreiungsstreitkräfte Vietnams: GENERAL GIAP VERSTORBEN (KO)
Artikel vom 6. Oktober 2013http://kommunisten-online.de/?p=3218
Historical Note
Vietnamese Trotskyists were involved in the earliest efforts to build a revolutionary movement in Indochina. During the 1930s in Saigon the Vietnamese Trotskyists were a strong rival movement to the Indochinese Communist Party (ICP), but there was cooperation among the ICP and Trotskyists, perhaps unique in the world, according to Robert J. Alexander. In 1939, after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Communist organisations were banned […] -
Left Discussions & news
RCIT: Open Letter to All Revolutionary Organizations and Activists
Artikel vom 6. Oktober 2013http://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/open-letter-to-revolutionaries/
Left Discussions & news
Tom Mackaman & Jerry White: Diego Rivera’s “Battle of Detroit” (A.Wosni)
Left Discussions & news
Paul Heideman and Jonah Birch: Debating the transition (to capitalism) (A.Wosni)
Artikel vom 29. September 2013